Copying Face Groups... how?

I have two clothing items that are mirrored (shoes). I fixed the Face groups on one and would like to simply copy over the face groups. I can copy over the weights no problem. The vertex indexes are identical in both. But I can't find out how to copy face groups. Anyone know how to do this?
With Edit Text Favorite (notepad plus)
in shoesgroupok.obj
v -0.00748382 0.00000000 0.01296230
v -0.00387391 0.00000000 0.01445760
v 0.00387391 0.00000000 0.01445760
v 0.00748382 0.00000000 0.01296230
v 0.01058370 0.00000000 0.01058370
find last v (example line 200)
Copy line 201 to Final to Shoesgroup.obj (Replace text)
g Mesh
usemtl ColorMax
f 21/1 22/1 1/1
f 1/1 22/1 2/1
f 2/1 22/1 3/1
f 3/1 22/1 4/1
f 4/1 22/1 5/1.
If it's DS only content for the likes of Genesis, then don't bother with face groups when making conforming items, only the base figure has any real use for them, different story if you ever want it to work in Poser as it's code base is so old it can't work without face groups.
It's still used for selecting that group isn't it? So yeah, it has limited used. But it's just nice to have the selection boxes the right size.