Genesis loads V5 at start

This started a couple of days ago and I can't figure out why. BTW, this machine is till using DSP4.0.
When I load a new Genesis figure, instead of the base gray, no texture "neuter" model I used to get, it comes up grey. no tex V5.
AFAIK, I didn't do anything to cause it. It's not that big a deal, but when I want to do a stock female/male figure, I have to undo V5 then apply the BF/BM shape.
Any idea how to fix this?
While I love Vicki, there are times I prefer stock Lana/Jeremy... the extra steps to get there now, are becoming annoying.
You will need to let the Genesis start file load, remove the V5 morph, and save it again with the same name. You can see what morphs are being used by looking in the Parameters tab under 'Currently Used', make sure they are all set to zero,.
You must have saved V5 over the top of the original genesis figure by accident.
I have only seen this when someone accidently saves over the Genesis preset beyond that thee only other issue was a body morph, Amazon I think it was called, fussed with Genesis
I think it was probably Warrior Princess from ShareCG, which has since been withdrawn from there.
Who says my head has gone? :-)
Ok, got the remove morph part ...
but save it as what and where?
My default Genesis is located C:\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\People\Genesis the People\Genesis bit should be the same. Just save it as a Scene naming it as Genesis in that folder.
Will do, thanks