Text in the Studio interface and the download manager are tiny.

I got a new monitor when my old one went dark and the text in the Studio interface and in the download manager are microscopic. I have to pump up the text size in windows settings (W10) to the point the text in other apps, as well as the icons on the desctop are huge.
The monitor is a so called 4K (3840x2160) but my old one was a 2560x1440 and it had no such issues. I like the high res monitors because a HDTV 1920x1080 uses up way too much real estate for the sidebars and the active window is limited. Downright annoying after the last two monitors were well above TV resolution, but is there any way to get the menues and such to be readable other than playing with Windows setup everytime I use DAZ.
This has been answered several times lately (I know, the forum search sucks :-) ) -
Short form:
1) It's being worked on for Studio
2) It is a massively non-trivial change
3) Don't expect it this year (see 2)
Thanks. I was afraid it was something like that. They need to spend less time on new products (That will be obsoleted just as almost enough supporting textures, clothing etc. become available.) and get the old ones working first. Studio is probably their most important product, because without it folks will look harder at other sources for content. Using the Gillette analogy, who'll buy your blades if the free razor doesn't work great.
Spending less time on products will not result in more time spent on something like this, as we are talking about two different teams.
I run Magnifier (built-in Windows tool that enlarges part of the screen) when I use Daz Studio on my Surface. I have to swap the Magnifier on and off, but it gets to be an (annoying) habit. DIM has the same problem, but it's easier to confine DIM to part of the screen and use Magnifier all the time.
In Daz Studio I also make a layout that has more things on toolbars with icons. Much easier to see and hit than the menus. I make use of the Custom Action command to place things from the Content Library on toolbars with nice not-tiny icons.
Windows is supposed to be able to increase font sizes in apps when the screen is considered "high resolution" (you can see the setting in Display somewhere and can turn it off in Compatibility settings for an app), but some apps mark themselves as "high def aware" when they really aren't and disable the OS' support. Some apps also bypass the OS font rendering entirely, often becuase they use a cross-platform UI library that works on Windows and Mac (until something comes up and then fails on both).
It would be great if the Style Editor allowed us to adjust font properties for parts of the GUI. Not as good as supporting the built-in font scaling for high def displays, but better than nothing.
FWIW, Photoshop only got to the point of properly supporting high def displays quite recently. Being behind Adobe on Windows OS compatibility is slightly embarrassing, but it is a good indication that it's a major job, especially on a cross-platform product. I've been building software for Windows since 1993 and I'd be extremely cautious approaching it.
Greatings and salutations. Long time lurker, first time commenter. Finally have something useful to contribute.
I recently treated myself to a Microsfot Surface Book, an upgrade from my Microsoft Surface Pro 2, and was quite disapointed to discover that Daz Studio does not yet Support text scalling for high density displays. I visited the forum for workarounds, only to learn that I was not alone in my frustration and that the community had yet to find any elegant solutions.
Then, today, a month and a half after committing to my new device for being productive with everything but Daz Studio I encountered the following article on the Love My Surface site:
How to fix scaling issues on older Windows Apps
While Daz Studio 4.9.* is technically not an older Windows applications its code has yet to be updated to support scaling on high density pixel displays. Regardless though I carefully followed the instructions and the fix worked; really well. My aging, already farsighted, eyes can now read all the menus in Daz Studio even using the City Limits workspace and Darkside theme. It also works with 3D- Coat (Though I curiously had to register the application again after the fix was applied).
Thus in my elation I am sharing this pixel scalling workaround in hopes that it will help others in this creative community as it has helped me as we all wait for Daz Studio's developers to natively solve this issue.
dcb_creative, thanks for sharing this workaround. Unfortunately it did not work for me, running DS4.9(64bit) and Win7(64bit). Will be curious to hear if others have success.
Whoops. Neglected to mention that my OS is Windows 10 (64bit). I guess that makes a bit of a difference in the registry.
Very sorry to learn that the workaround is not an option for everyone using Windows.