Installed product in Daz Studio 4.8 that won't load water correctly - HELP!!!

HI. I installed a product from Renderosity, and almost all of the products there for Poser load great into Daz, so I don't expect this to be the problem, but...
I installed AJ (Apple Jack's) Futuristic Recreation Center and all went well on the install, but the water is not blue like it should be. He claims Poser loads it fine. We went through a few settings to change... the opacity setting bring it down and the lighting was perhaps too bright, but when I changed those settings still the water is not blue.
I need help. I am attaching a few files for my settings and renders before and after the changes to opacity and lighting. Also I will attach the vendor demo file to show you what the water should look like. Everything else in the product seems to have loaded fine except the water. The vendor is not at all familiar with Daz Studio, so here I am asking for help.
Only the vendor demo file shows the water correctly. All others are nothing except a tiny cyan line on the inside of the pool. The whole pool should be filled with blue water.
I hope you can help!
Thank you.

With Opacity at 3.9% and Reflection at 0% the water will be bordering on invisible. I'd make Reflection around 20 or 30 and increase Opactity to around 15 and see how that goes.
HI. I installed a product from Renderosity, and almost all of the products there for Poser load great into Daz, so I don't expect this to be the problem, but...
I installed AJ (Apple Jack's) Futuristic Recreation Center and all went well on the install, but the water is not blue like it should be. He claims Poser loads it fine. We went through a few settings to change... the opacity setting bring it down and the lighting was perhaps too bright, but when I changed those settings still the water is not blue.
I need help. I am attaching a few files for my settings and renders before and after the changes to opacity and lighting. Also I will attach the vendor demo file to show you what the water should look like. Everything else in the product seems to have loaded fine except the water. The vendor is not at all familiar with DazStudio, so here I am asking for help.
Only the vendor demo file shows the water correctly. All others are nothing except a tiny cyan line on the inside of the pool. The whole pool should be filled with blue water.
I hope you can help!
Thank you.
Threads merged
Which renderer are you wanting to use it in?
How is the water contructed? Is it a simple plane or is it a 'volume'?
SimonJM - Tried teh opacity and reflection changes. No change in water.
mjc1016 - not sure how the water is constructed. I'm fairly new. the vendor told me this:"Water you will see once you do render. Be sure you turned off in Poser menu Display-Ground shadows and Display - Guides - Ground Plane." but I don't know how to turn off ground plane in Daz.
There is no ground plane that needs turning off in Daz Studio.
It may be, partly, the point of view that is causing the water not to show up. As a test dial the Opacity up to 100%. You should see the effect of doing that in the viewport.
Basic fact - You don't get reflections without something to reflect. All the shader tweaking in the world won't help if there is nothing to reflect.
If you are going for an outdoor scene you need a skydome.
If you want a quick solution, switch to Iray and use a water shader with the builtin dome
do you use some LIGHT ?
i not see any light effect on render,,
try to activate lights in your light list,,
I treid all of the lights on and that is the yellowish attachment files. Too much light. I'll try a little more though.
The vendor said the water should be there already. But, maybe Daz didn't import it correctly...? I'll put a skydome in.
I tried different angles with the cameras, but no change. I'll try Opacity at 100%.
This product is made for Poser, which uses a different render engine. The materials (and lights, if you're using the ones in the set) will need adjustment. Water, in particular, doesn't translate easily to a different renderer.
I'm making progress with your suggestions!!! Thank you. Attached is some results. At least I have some water. Not as lush as in the ad, but it is all about Opacity and lighting techniques, it seems.
I bumped the opacity to 100% and added more light. A bright skydome washed it out too much, but maybe I'll try a softer skydome.
Thank all of you for your help. Any other suggestions to make it look more like real water would be helpful. I'll try more lighting techniques.
in my hardaware setup information show, maximum supported light is 8
notes 2
importing Poser scenes, "distant light" are placed in the middle of the scene,
try to move on other position.
for water it need to check opacity and reflection
for reflection, most of the time i uncheck the default 100% and use 200% - 300 % (good mirroring) , depend what result you want.
That's for OpenGL (hardware) rendering, not for 3delight or Iray rendering.
Distant lights show up at (0,0,0) because they don't have an actual location, only a direction. They act as if they were at an infinite distance.
Light sets for Poser when added to DS tend to overblow quite badly. If there is a light set that comes with the product I'd load that and then dial down the lights to about 75% of their current intensity and see how that goes. Back to the water, in the vendor demo you can dee rippl effects and I presume that is coming from the Poser material room, via procedural shaders. For the sam ein DS you'd need to get a map of some sort into either bump, displacement or normal (bump or normal woudl be more efficient as they do not physically alter the geometry, displacement does), either via Shader Mixer or by finding (for bump/displacement a grey-scale, a coloured (blue-ish) for normal) a suitable 'map'
I did a quick google search and found this freebie water texture. I grabbed it and used (I picked at random file #9) when I used a diffuse map and also used GIMP to convert it to a greyscle for use as a bump/displacment map.
I did a few test rendwer (with rubbish light setup!) using your base settings that you supplied, then tweaking them as I went along. I used a 'bath' made up of DAZ primitive squares (4m, with 12 divisions) (4 sides and bottom), plus another to act as water plane. The tweaks were to increase reflection and opacity, then adding the file I mentioned above as a diffuse map (I set tiling to 2 in mboth horizontal and vertical), setting diffuse colour back to white. I then, as a final test moved the 'bath' to a better location for the lighting and added a figure, and also added refraction to the water plane. The image with the bump map also has refracation.