Iray Render Too Fast

Okay, weird problem. I rendered a scene in Iray with only two light sources, one on the left side and one in his hand over his heart. I set the render settings to memory (instead of speed) and even tried adding render time. My render reaches 150 iteration and it's done, when it's really not around his hand. Any suggestions? see pic below. Thanks for any input!
Image removed for nudity. Please see this thread for info: edited by fixmypcmike on
There are quite a few ways to increase the iterations, such as changing the convergence from the default 95% to 99% (which is all I do). There are also the max time and max samples parameters. There quite a few discussions on this: this one might be helpful. I like to judge myself when a render is finished so I don't use settings that have a fixed time or samples—therefore the longer the better from my point of view.
By the way that image doesn't comply with TOS. I would crop off the pubic area and replace it. The mods will probably get to it first, though. It's looking good, but with that very low key light and translucency it will definitely need a lot more samples.
The render will stop when it reashes the max samples, the max time, or the max convergence. Whichever limit it hits first. I usually put time to 0, that takes it out of the equation, bump up min samples to at least 15, max samples to at least 30,000 and convergence to 99%. If It's not good enough, you can bump up max samples absurdly high like 5,000,000, then keep turning up render quality until it's good enough for you. You can resume the render if you don't close the render window.
Go back to using the Iray render defaults. Any number of things could be happening, and it's hard to keep track of things if a lot of settings have been changed. For example, setting Max Samples to 150 will yield no more than 150 iterations.
The Instancing Optimization setting could have some effect on the number of iterations, but probably not much. That has to do with how instanced scene geometry is combined (flattened).
Likely, Iray thinks your scene is done, so it's just stopping because it has reached the the specified convergence ratio. If there are still areas of noise, all around your best bet is to up the Rendering Quality from its default of 1.0. Higher values mean a stricter interpretation of when pixels are fully converged. This is a more controllable (and knowable) metric than Convergence Ratio.
Thanks for all the input, I'll definately work with some of these suggestions. My bad on the pic, I just thought it would be okay with no gens showing.