V3Digitimes' Skin Masters for Monique and Darius 6 not working?

I just purchased the "Skin Masters for Monique 6 and Darius 6 Bundle" by V3Digitimes, sadly it does not work.  I am using DS4.9 and have tried applying the different skin tones to my Monique 6 and Darius 6 characters, but nothing happens.  Can anybody verify this is a bug or am I just missing something?  Thanks!


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,884

    I'm sorry, I don't have that product, so I can't check for you. Perhaps V3Digitimes will see your post and be able to help. If not, you can submit a help request to Daz Customer Service to request help with any product.

  • FirePro9FirePro9 Posts: 456
    barbult said:

    I'm sorry, I don't have that product, so I can't check for you. Perhaps V3Digitimes will see your post and be able to help. If not, you can submit a help request to Daz Customer Service to request help with any product.

    Thanks, yes help desk ticket has been submitted.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Just to be clear: you're bringing the characters into a scene, trying to use the full-texture presets, but not seeing any changes when you try to render a 3Delight scene, correct? I just want to be sure what exactly isn't working. You generally wouldn't see anything happen on screen, but the differences between the presets should show up when you render.

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216

    @barbult and vwrangler : thanks for your reactivity (I should say "as usually"). I was sleeping when this was posted!!

    @ FirePro, I have checked the Monique version again (Darius works on the same principle) with DS 4.9, and the skins are working without any issue. Two things are important :

    - Skin Masters (and Amazing Skins) products are made for 3Delight only, not for Iray.

    - As vwrangler mentioned you will see the effect only when you render. The texture preview only is not able to show the computations which are made "only when rendering". In general I set my render to progressive so that I can stop it rapidely if there are things I want to change. Or you can use the "IPR" mode. Don't worry about rendering, it renders much faster than usual 3Delight skins do.

    Can you please let me know if this is solved?

  • FirePro9FirePro9 Posts: 456

    So I was missing something, I was not rendering out the images to see the changes.  I think I was partly fooled by the fact that I saw no changes in the preview window even when I applied the RED skin tone (one would think that kind of change should show up in the preview window).  The other part that fooled me was that whenever I applied one of the 39 or so full Darius presets I always get a FILE MISSING error (the same error) no matter the preset chosen.  The missing file name is zeroalphabase.png however that file is present and in the correct folder (though it looks to be a solid black image).  This error message does not come up when using the Monique skins.

    After rendering several of the Darius skins I am hoping I can further reduce the skin tone color beyond the lightest skin tone preset provided (which I believe is either Tone07 or MoreTone06).  Is there a manual way to further lighten the skin tone, without using the white ash affect?

    BTW, thank you for your prompt reply, it is very much appreciated.

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited May 2016
    FirePro9 said:

    So I was missing something, I was not rendering out the images to see the changes.  I think I was partly fooled by the fact that I saw no changes in the preview window even when I applied the RED skin tone (one would think that kind of change should show up in the preview window).  The other part that fooled me was that whenever I applied one of the 39 or so full Darius presets I always get a FILE MISSING error (the same error) no matter the preset chosen.  The missing file name is zeroalphabase.png however that file is present and in the correct folder (though it looks to be a solid black image).  This error message does not come up when using the Monique skins.

    After rendering several of the Darius skins I am hoping I can further reduce the skin tone color beyond the lightest skin tone preset provided (which I believe is either Tone07 or MoreTone06).  Is there a manual way to further lighten the skin tone, without using the white ash affect?

    BTW, thank you for your prompt reply, it is very much appreciated.

    You're welcome, I'm happy this is solved.

    For the image, Wow you're right this is curious. If I use my old good Daz Studio 4.8, I have no warning for zeroalphabase.png when I load the presets, but if I use my 4.9, with the same things, loading the same presets, I have an error message. And yet, this map is loaded (it is the default tattoo1 image, without it, Darius would be "grey"). This is annoying, I'm gonna have a look with Daz what can happen, this is obviously a bug on Daz side since a map which is loaded, which is here, is said not to be here.

    edit : nope it was a bug on my side, the map which is not loaded being basically useless, and DS 4.8 not seeing it, it had never been seen before. The file is today as useless as before (it is basically already on the figure), but this time, DS complains! I'm already updating. A story or "/runtime" which became a "runtime" without the "/".

    For "more clear" skin tone, you have to select skin lips and nails surfaces via the surface tab, and you have to increase the dial "00. Value (Intensity) Preprocess" up to 200. You can even remove its limit (via the litlle wheel on the right)  and dial up to 250 or 300. You can also eventually after that reduce "00. Saturation Preprocess" down to 0.8. After that you can eventually add a bit of blue as a tint corrector : 00. Hue PreProcess : ADD this Hue to Diffuse Hue, as shown in the image. If you want to see all the interesting dials at once, once all the surfaces you want are corrected, just hit "prepro" in the "enter text to filter by..." line at the top of the surfaces editor tab. These will be the 4 first controls appearing you can act on: increase value, decrease saturation, add a bit of cold tone.



    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • FirePro9FirePro9 Posts: 456

    Yes, increasing the Intensity Preprocess to 200 worked very well to get a more clear skin tone, that is what I needed.  Your instructions were very consise, easy to follow, might be worth copying that paragraph to the Documentation Center for this product. I closed the help desk ticket.

    By the way, I have many duplicate NOTES and a few duplicate PRESETs show up in the Conent Library, no duplicate skin presets.  Same duplicate issue in Monique and in Darius folders.

    In regards to the skin presets, am I correct in that the clearest skin tone is 6 or 7 and then gets more red in color going towards 01 and gets more blue in color going towards 13?



  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216

    Hi FirePro9!

    Sorry for the delay I have so much to do that sometimes I totally forget a part of it, and that's only when I go back to my "todo" list that I realize how much time has gone by!

    I'm happy my answer helped you reaching more clear skin tones :)

    For the duplicates, I never realised, maybe I gave the same names to some of the notes and of the presets. But normally they should not be in the same content folder. I'll have a look.

    You are right for the skin presets, that's approximately that. Clearest skin tones are 6 or 7. Then you have warmer or colder values. You can change manually the skin tones using the surface editor too.

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