Site slow for anyone else?

I've never had a problem with daz's site but it is running terribly slow for me today... To the point It won't pull up my wishlist or anything else.
It was working fine yesterday and before. Is anyone else having this issue?
THe site is slow for everyone. There have been problems but DAZ 3D is working through them
Two fatal errors trying to look at the PA sale completly frustrating Im outa here.
Seems to be resolved - seeing as I can actually get to the store insteda of having timeout after timeout.
Buit now I can get there the 'submit order' button does not seem to want to work! ;)
The page delivery speed is muuuuuch better today. I haven't been in the store yet Simon, so don't know what the problem is you're having with the Submit Order button.
There is no menu at the top of the forum now to get to the store.
Site was very slow and, while trying to buy something yesterday, I ended up clicking something I shouldn't have and got a "There has been an error processing your request" that will not go away. I cannot buy anything from Daz at the moment. Have emailed but no response yet. I have been a Daz customer for 10-years and it used to be great, but since the changes it is a trial.
This has been same for me a few times. But It seems to be when sever/website is being updated.