Question reg. Iray Dome and Dome Mode

By default it is set to Dome and Scene and the Dome Mode is set to Infinite Sphere.
My question is , there are several options in Dome and also in Dome Mode.
When do I use for example scene only or any of the other options and what do the options under Dome Mode do.
I do have a primitve plane with a reflective texture and have the default Dome and Dome mode settings, in the reflection of the plane are alway clouds, does it mean I have to change to scene only or Sun Sky only?
What option of the Dome Mode is best for what sceneario?
Scene only uses the photometric lights (spots, point, etc) and 'mesh' (emission surfaces) lights HDR/Sun-Sky. Great for completely enclosed spaces (no windows/etc).
Yes, either Sun-Sky or change the HDR in the Environment slot in the Dome.
Infinite/Finite...finite allows scaling the dome. This can be useful when using 'interior' HDRIs.
What's best for which scenario...experiment.
I did not reallly get this, so where are those photometic lights, is it ANY spot, point and distant light I add myeslf or from a light set?
So that is when I use Scene only?
I did not understand the bit about HDR / Sun Sky, is that when I use any scene which has an HDR in the Enviroment tab?
I just want to render for example a firuge on a primtive plane , so what would be the best for it, Scene only?
Thank you
Dome = the HDRI image as a light source
Scene = lights 9actual lights and light-emitting shaders) in the sceen as a light source
Sun/Sky = simulation (fro daylight hours) of the lighting at the stated place and time. Dome with no HDRI assigned also gives the Sun/Sky effect if you want to mix it with scene lights.
The Finite dome option allows you to move the dome relative to the scene, which can be useful. otherwise the dome is centred on the scene.
The default ruins HDRI image is very low resolution if you make it visible. A higher resolution HDRI would be sharper.
Thank you , I shall play with these settings.
Yes, the photometric lights are the 'standard' spots, etc...they have more features than the 3Delight counterparts. Just being in Iray mode enables those features.
Oh cool, that is great to know.
I am learning a lot from you guys.