I'm having a frustrating experience where the order of parameters I've set up in Shader mixer bears only passing resemblance to the order and arrangement when I apply it to a surface.
Anyone have tips or recommendations about what might be affecting that?
Trying to make a usable product and it's somewhat... unprofessional to have some scattershot of parameters.
And now I restarted it and everything is in order. Um. K
Post edited by Oso3D on
Did somebody say abandoned thread? :-)
I know in the content library things are in one order, but after restarting they can shuffle around to whatever the correctly sorted order is. Perhaps the same holds true of the various lists of elements in other parts of DS as well, like it just doesn't refresh constantly since that isn't normally needed or something?
I think it gets confused when I alter the shader and reapply it.
A fresh start seems to fix things.
Will, the rearranging of parameters has always been part of ShaderMixer...I'm not sure there is any way to prevent it and those of us who have done quite a bit with ShaderMixer have spent more than enough time redoing things because of it.
But making sure you have things named (a bit more than how the bricks load) and not just labels edited/changed does seem to minimize it.
I know there were more tips on it....if I could remember which thread...and no, google-foo ain't working on this...
Can you set a group for your parameters in shader mixer? In shader builder is possible, so adiós to bad order. I believe answer is yes, but I can't remember where and how.
I can't either...
It has been a while since I've done anything with DAZ let alone Shader Mixer, but if memory serves, you can double click on an individual parameter in a brick and it will let you set the Name, Label and Path (among other things). I believe the path is the group. Please don't shoot me if my memory is off - it's been a while!
- Greg