Not getting any shine on the skin of characters

No matter what light I am using or what character I am using their will be no shine.
Are their any settings I need to use?
It is all so frustrting. sighhh
I wonder if my PC is working right at this point or if I have to change something in the settings for the Nvidia card in the Nvidia Controle Panel for DS.
I am reading so much about Iray that I start to hate that darn thing. :(
Post edited by Petra on
Leave the Nvidia control panel will not do anything, at all, to affect the outcome of a render. Any adjustments made will only impact what is seen in the viewport (unrendered).
Now...the one thing that I know that can 'wash out' any lighting effects, rather quickly...the camera headlamp. With it ON, things tend to look 'flat', dull and lifeless...when rendered.
Thank you mjc1016, I did reset it to default and will never going in their again .
It is all so overwhelming.
With 3Delight I knew what I was doing, with Iray I really want to cry right now.
I always turn the headlights off since I read about it.
Example renders and screenshots of settings will be the easiest way to see what needs to be done...
I shall do that in the morning, but since I reset the Nvidia Controle Panel back to Default as it was shipped I get better results.
I did my Studio in the Manage 3D Devices, i tought I had to add it to the list.
I took it out now because I did not want to break anything lol.
It's not really a matter of breaking things, so much as a lot of effort for little or no gain.
You see, up until last Thursday I was a iMac user for years, it is such a huge gigantic difference and I have to get used to Windows again.
Not easy but I am getting their and the same goes for the shiny skin, I shall get their.
The weekend I shall a lot about Iray and shall make notes.
Thank you so much for your replies, it is very kind and helps a newbie to Windows and Iray.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but if you want to play with lots of shine, you can try this. These settings are usually blank or not used much on most surfaces, so it should be ok to change without affecting the original look if you want to go back.
Go on the Surfaces tab. Find your character. Expand the list. Expand the Surfaces layer so you see what's going on. Under the main layer for your character, click on the layer called "Skin" (it's the third layer). This will select all the skin surfaces. Use the following settings on the Metalic Flakes section in the properties (it's the orange one). Chaging the the Metallic Flakes Weight (use 0.05) will make visible a bunch of other settings for metallic flakes.
Metallic Flakes Weight: 0.05 (0.02 might look better)
Metallic Flakes Roughness: 0.5 (lower this for a "shinier" look)
Metallic Flakes Size: 0.01
Metallic Flakes Strength: 0.5
Metallic Flakes Thin Film: 10,000
Metallic Flakes Thin Film IOR: 1.0
Leave the other settings as is.
You can lower the roughness value to get a shinier look. At 0.2, it gives a "wet" look (though it can also look "plastic", so be careful). You can also adjust the weight to increase/reduce how visible this effect is in your render.
Could post an example of what look you are seeking?