Problem with reopening DAZ character on another PC

As said in the title of the topic, I have problems when I want to open a DAZ character (done on my PC) on another PC. The model appears empty. Someone had this problem yet? Can you help me?
Thanks a lot for your answers I hope fast. :)
If you are talking about a .DAZ Scene file, then that is the problem. DS needs access to the 'data' folder from the machine that created the scene.
So what's the solution for my problem?
How can I do to work on a character on several PCs?
Thanks a lot
If all the computers in question are yours and under your roof, then the easiest way would be to install all your content and data folders to a central a network attached drive or a shared folder.
Can it be a solution to put the DAZ character files on the Public Documents of my PC ?
And what about the new format of DAZ characters (.duf) ? Is still the same problem with this file format?
OK, not a DS user, but wasn't there something about the new Dson fromat that would help in circumstances like this.
I think in some cases the DUF format does not need the data folder, but it would still need the runtime folders to be in a particular place I think.
Why not try it and see if it works?
The .duf files will go back to the Poser versions and recreate the Data files if they aren't there, so as long as you have the original content installed, they won't have this problem.
Only if on the other computer DS is looking for content folders there.