Scene problems with DS4.5

SkelchSkelch Posts: 275
edited September 2012 in Daz Studio Discussion

I finally updated to DS4.5 about 75% of the time when I save a scene now my genesis figure is distorted when I load the scene later.

I have looked for any possible morph settings, and I can't seem to find the culprit. This never happened in DS4x It seems most of the scenes saved prior to the update loads fine, but if I work on a scene and save it. Then load it a d day, hour, or even a minute later it looks like the genesis figure is all crazy along with cloths and hair.

If I Load a new pose position the clothes and hair jump back into place, but the genesis figure is still all distorted.

725 x 757 - 56K
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  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897
    edited December 1969

    Is this a .daz scene file that's been loaded and then saved as .duf scene file?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877
    edited December 1969

    Try saving the messed up scene - a lot of people have found that that fixes the problem.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    save the "your.daz" scene (in which figure is exproded) as "new_your.duf" scene (set the name for duf scene file, what you want )

    it will make exproded shortcut img for duf scene files in smart content viewer,
    but ignore image, try load the scene ("new_your.duf")

    many files will be loaded with no exprosion (though a few files would tell you erroer message,
    if you have removed some assets of the scene,or changed path or name,, etc,,
    on that case you may need to serch the assets and load again. or just leave it off)

    then save the scene again as duf for your shortcut img to correct.

  • SkelchSkelch Posts: 275
    edited September 2012

    God Bless you guys, saving the scene a second time brought at least one of them back, not time to check more must work to buy more Daz figures. Thank you so much. I hope they are able to fix this in a later version.

    And just FYI I have some that were originally saved under 4.0 and later saved under 4.5 and became a mess and I have some that I only did since 4.5 and saving them as scenes and the new duf file system caused this.

    So far I have not moved any files used in a scene, just a clitch of some sort.

    Here is what she looks like just saving the file again then loading the new saved scene it and tada'

    481 x 799 - 45K
    Post edited by Skelch on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Ya I know , if you do not change anything, the exprosion happen and some files change something
    when save as duf in ds 4.5.

    but I could not define waht cause problems too , (before I experienced these problems ,
    so that I change to ds 4.5, as soon as quickly when ds 4.5 product ver released )

    and I recommend you keep the files, and make bug report with scene files,and log files .^^;
    I think if there are some problems when you load the duf. sceane.

    (1. your old .daz files , 2 the .duf file after you saved the old.daz files,
    compare log files,and the two files code, may help someone to advice you, on mantis daz bug tracker

    and if you can find some erroer message about items in log files, when first you load the .duf tile,

    you may check the products version up-ed or not, there is two topic about version up product
    in this forum,,

    if you version uped the products,someproblems may removed,, I hope,,
    but many case, I corrected the scene manualy apply again morphs and poses, or load clothings^^;
    once you correct the scene on duf files, it will not caulse same probemes, in ds 4.5 ^^;

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