Video card SLI question

My GTX 960 2g seems to be lacking in the Iray rendering department! I was thinking about adding a GTX 970 4g card in SLI. If I do, will Iray be able to use the 6 gigs of total video ram, and all 2688 cuda cores? Or would I be better off shelling out the cash for a 980 and ditching the 960?
1. SLI does not provide any advantage for Iray rendering and in some sitiations can lead to problems.
2. If you use two or more cards all CUDA cores will be used.
3. The video ram for each card will be used independently. So the card with the smallest amount of ram will determine the size of scene you can render with all cards (cards will automatically drop out if their ram is insufficient for a scene.
Thanks for the info thd777. A 980 is out of my price range so I'll probably go with the 970. Just wish there was a 6g version.
Forget about the 900 series! The GTX 1070 and 1080 are coming out in a few weeks. With 8 gigs of v-ram, I see a 1070 in my future! ;)
Indeed. I am waiting for the 1080 and will put two in my box if the initial reviews are good.
I would expect issues with drivers, so would suggest some caution. I must admit though, I'm itching to get a few, errr well one.
Well, yes. Hence the "...if the initail reviews are good" part of my statement... I'll let someone else take the first stab at the bleeding edge... :)