morph loader pro and teeth morph???

I exported G3F as OBJ and then imported her back without touching anything. The teeth are all screwy now, though.


Anyone know what's causing this?


I did not touch anything, just exported the zero figure at 0 subdiv etc...


Checked the teeth in hexagon, they look fine there.


Imported without any special settings.

1152 x 648 - 20K
1152 x 648 - 22K


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    G3F has two HD morphs active by default:  Teeth Realism and Navel.  Deactivate those two morphs before exporting.

  • tmtmtm_f56c8d4bdatmtmtm_f56c8d4bda Posts: 86
    edited May 2016

    thanks. it's apparently called "mouth realism HD", just for reference.

    Post edited by tmtmtm_f56c8d4bda on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Yeah, that's it's actual name...and it is very annoying.  What I've done is export a set of figures without it, at base resolution, to use as 'starters' for sculpting morphs.  They are in a separate folder and I always use them when sculpting.  That way I don't have to remember to turn it off every time.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931
    mjc1016 said:

    Yeah, that's it's actual name...and it is very annoying.  What I've done is export a set of figures without it, at base resolution, to use as 'starters' for sculpting morphs.  They are in a separate folder and I always use them when sculpting.  That way I don't have to remember to turn it off every time.

    Or save a character preset with both HD morphs off and call it Genesis 3 Female/Male for morphing.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Or you do the "Revers Deformations" in MorphLoaderPro ...

    481 x 462 - 65K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    As I recall people have founf Reverse Deformations to be not entirely successful when dealing with HD morphs.


    Or save a character preset with both HD morphs off and call it Genesis 3 Female/Male for morphing.

    That's exactly what I did, then exported that as OBJ, then made some morphs and still, the teeth are getting garbled. Drives me nuts.

  • Kerya said:

    Or you do the "Revers Deformations" in MorphLoaderPro ...

    I need the reverse deformations off though because I'm mixing and matching morphs, dont want them to be additive to each other.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931


    Or save a character preset with both HD morphs off and call it Genesis 3 Female/Male for morphing.

    That's exactly what I did, then exported that as OBJ, then made some morphs and still, the teeth are getting garbled. Drives me nuts.

    Are you sure the teeth are being damaged by the HD morph and not by dividing in ZBrush with SMT on?

  • Siciliano1969Siciliano1969 Posts: 433

    I was getting the same issue with morph loader pro importing a morph that looked just fine except the teeth.  It made the teeth shrink and look distorted even though the rest of the body and morph looked fine.  The reverse deformation was set to no.  When I changed it to yes all went fine.  What are the reverse deformations and what is it doing or not doing when set to no and yes?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Reverse deformation nets out the morphs that are set on the figure.  Genesis 3 has two morphs which are on by default, Mouth realism and a Navel morph, so if you don't either zero them out ro use reverse deformation they get doubled up.

  • Siciliano1969Siciliano1969 Posts: 433

    Reverse deformation nets out the morphs that are set on the figure.  Genesis 3 has two morphs which are on by default, Mouth realism and a Navel morph, so if you don't either zero them out ro use reverse deformation they get doubled up.

    Excellent, that explains it!  Thanks a bunch!


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited May 2016

    When you set reverse defomation Yes, then import morph by morph loader,

     the morph include only deltas from current vertices  position of the Figure.  (each vertex are posed or morphed)

    then it may correctly record your morph without include HD moprhs and Naval morphs (it is already applied for genesis3female, as default

    but I usually remove these morphs untill I exprot them and, make new morph, so that I do not care it)


    if you set reverse defomation No, the morph  ignore current shape and vertex positions, but record delta from zero morphed posed  vertex positions.

    the zero moprhed genesis3 not be deformed by Naval and HD teeth morphs. but user do not know , then export obj and make morph with these morph applied (default)

    then the morph.obj include these delta without intention.  then improt morph.obj, (reverse defomation NO)

     the morph should change Naval and teeth, when you applied. (it is not expected, then break figure shape)

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • Siciliano1969Siciliano1969 Posts: 433

    Reverse deformation nets out the morphs that are set on the figure.  Genesis 3 has two morphs which are on by default, Mouth realism and a Navel morph, so if you don't either zero them out ro use reverse deformation they get doubled up.

    Excellent, that explains it!  Thanks a bunch!


  • Siciliano1969Siciliano1969 Posts: 433

    One more little issue.  I create 2 seperate a foot morph and the other a hand morph.  If you import via morph loader pro and set the reverse deformations to yes it seems to over ride the other morph.  I lose the foot morph when I set the hand morph to 100%.  These are morphs made in Zbrush with SMT off and exported out as base with all sub divisions set to 0.  If you import both morphs with deformation set to no both morphs come in fine and show up when set to 100%, but the teeth get messed up.  I set the mouth HD and navel to 0 and import with deformations set to no and the teeth still get messed I missing something maybe?

    The only workaround is bring in the morphs and fix the teeth in zbrush.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Zero the teeth and navel morphs before exporting to ZBrush.

    But I'm surprised at the two morphs you created and loaded  with Morph Loader separately overriding each other, they should be independent.

  • Siciliano1969Siciliano1969 Posts: 433

    Zero the teeth and navel morphs before exporting to ZBrush.

    But I'm surprised at the two morphs you created and loaded  with Morph Loader separately overriding each other, they should be independent.

    Thanks I'll give that a try when Goz to Zbrush for morphs.  Yeah I'm not sure why when you set deformations to yes and one morph overrides the other morph.  When set to no they both come in fine and are seperate.


  • Siciliano1969Siciliano1969 Posts: 433

    Zero the teeth and navel morphs before exporting to ZBrush.

    But I'm surprised at the two morphs you created and loaded  with Morph Loader separately overriding each other, they should be independent.

    Thanks I'll give that a try when Goz to Zbrush for morphs.  Yeah I'm not sure why when you set deformations to yes and one morph overrides the other morph.  When set to no they both come in fine and are seperate.

    OK so I took all my Zbrush morphs and exported them the following way:

    Zero the HD mouth, and navel morphs

    Set to base resolution and zero out all subdivision

    Imported them with deformations set to no (default) no toucha nothing via Morph loader pro

    When morphs back in and set to 100% and figure back to High rez, and SubD set to at least 2 teeth look fine.


    If I set the deformations to yes it will only allow 1 morph to show.  Either the first morph (if all morphs set to 100%) or whichever is set to 100% overrides all over morphs.  I cant get all morphs to act independently.

    Thanks all!



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