Problem with AikoToon4 and HiroToon4.

chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
edited December 1969 in New Users

My Aiko Toon4 and Hiro Toon4 only shows as grey ( body, hair, clothing, everything.... ), no texture and color, why is that?
Is it possible that the texture is misplaced somewhere? If so, where should they be, can someone show me how should it be placed so I can try to correct them? Thanks


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Is this in the Viewport, or after rendering?

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    The Gen 3 Toon Hiro and Toon Aiko shows full color though. I downloaded them the same way ( which is automatic ) I don't know why.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Since it's hair and clothing also, do you have any hair with fits for both the Gen 3 and Gen 4 versions, so you can test if it shows up correctly on 3 but not on 4? If you load the Gen 3 and Gen 4 in the same scene, do you get color on 3 but not on 4?

    What software and version are you using?

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    Actually I am afriad Hiro Aiko Gen 3 and Gen 4 are in different locations.
    I am very disappointed 'cos only Nothing of the figures M4 V4 M3 V3 H4 A4 Toon Hiro4 Toon Aiko4 Toon Amy are working, I am surviving on some of the Gen 3 Shapes for Genesis.

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    I test my Toon HIro 3 to show you, strangely you see the figure is in full color but the clothing is not.
    They are in the same location.

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  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    Here is viewport.

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  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    Toon Aiko 3

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    sorry posted too fast.

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  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    Ha, I looked at them in the Render, they have colored clothings, so this is not a problem.
    Now I only ahve to solve where to get M4, V4, H4, A4, M3 V3 to show up by themselves, and not rely on Genesis's shapes or Hitoro and Rayne...

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    Are they in the right place?

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  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Okay, the "Content" folder you have underneath "My Library" shouldn't be there. Outside of DS, you need to move all the folders that are currently under "My Library\Content" up one level so they are directly under "My Library"

    The reason those are gray is that they are NOT files that should be visible in the interface, they are data files providing either shaping morphs or autofit clones.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    BTW, it doesn't matter if you have some items in one content folder and some in another, you can load them both in the same scene.

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    But i used to be able to see color while working in Actors,Wardrobe & Prop, like the example below, and now I can only see color in Render.
    Why is that, what have I done just this afternoon to make it change to this? ( only thing I can think of is the UV map I set for the M4 shape guy in Genesis is looking like a broken textured zoombie )
    Can I reverse this grey look in the Actors, Warddorbe & Props to colorful?

    427 x 591 - 150K
  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    Ok, as I tried to move everything under My LIbrary directly, it opens a dialogue saying the item named so and so already exists in this location do you want to replace it with the newer one you're moving.

    Actually this is the reason why I screwed up, because when they say things about multiple files with same names to tried to work around it and now my TREE is all wrong..... so should I move things up anyway regardless of my fear....?

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    For instance, you see there is D2C in the last column and if I moved it up it has the same name as the other D2C right under the "content" you see now. So, same cases are everywhere, like there are files names Emotion and Emotions 2 in the aniBlocks file with is the same name ad the cone 3 rows above the curren "current". I just could not move them because there would be a dialogue box coming out to ask if I want to replace the same name file. I have taken too many chances and screwed up and now I am scared to do it. Same name items are everywhere even though the inside there are some same and some different stuffs. ( some reading here on this side taught me it is better to download both Poser files and DS files since I might need them, so I did, and I think this might be the reason I have duplicated names of files and it is giving me a lot of trouble.)

    So, at this note.... should I move everything or anything?

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    forgot this attachment.

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  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Yes, you want to merge them with the folders directly underneath My Library, unless you think the one already there is newer and different.

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    Sometimes two same words but one starts with capital letter do they still count as one , or do I just let them both co-exxist,
    e.g. Libraries
    and libraries

    I tend to want to move everything under one libraries only.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    That shouldn't matter, but I'm not sure if Macs treat them as different.

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    well i have already been combining things, of i screw up again, well..... i'll start all over again, learn to uninstall and start all over.

  • chriswongbizchriswongbiz Posts: 206
    edited December 1969

    Well, I did what I thought you told me, grouping everything, all under My Library directly, so the 'content' i took away, and also leaves one set of Runtime with its Geometry, Libraries, and Textures....

    And now, when I open my DS 4 pro, there is nothing under the Poser Format, 'cos I grouped everything into the one My Library under Daz Studio Format, and mysteriously my Runtime totally disppeared.

    Well, i might have done something terrible that makes my DS terrible, but all items unless it is zip file that I have to do something manually, everything is installed automatially. So I should have know that something I should better not touch...

    Now, I think I really have enough stress... time to uninstall everything, and perhaps spend a few days re-installing everything again.

    Any kind advise and supervision would appreciated, where should I begin? I am really a dummy in computer, so a step by step guidance of mac user would be even more helpful.

    The next time, first of all, I shall be extra careful not to jeopardize the names of the file and not to misplace the route, and hopefully the next DS comes with content library, smart content and thumbnails upon calling the contents...

    help, somebody, anybody....

    never sunk so low...

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Make sure you have ,,,My Library listed as a Poser-format content folder.

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