Vascularity HD for Genesis 3 (Commercial)



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Oh ya I am so looking forward to the skin builder for G3

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,564

    Oh ya I am so looking forward to the skin builder for G3

    Me too

  • Sensual ArtSensual Art Posts: 645

    Honestly, I didn't expect my wish would be fulfilled so soon.smiley

  • FusionLAFusionLA Posts: 249

    Another buy for me, and thank you for the extra discount!

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    You're welcome. Thanks for the support.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Oh ya I am so looking forward to the skin builder for G3

    I bought it for G2 but never figured out how to use it effectively; I think I didn't know enough about Daz when I got it. I rarely use G2 now. Any good tutorials and examples of what can be done? Before and After looks?

  • HamEinarHamEinar Posts: 121

    :-) No-brainer cartfiller this one - but.. This is just my first attempt, but I tried first with a modified character and then with a bare G3F - and end up with this result on both.

    It seems the Vas Hands Basic and Vas Hands All deform the whole hand, which in itself isn't a huge problem - but when it makes the nails go crazy, it kind of is..

    The caps are from a G3F at SubD 3 - the problem is less pronounced @ SubD 1, but so is the vascularity effect..


    1746 x 399 - 263K
  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565

    Question ... or request ... or comment ,,,

    Haven't been in the forums to see this was coming, and I see I only have a short time to make my mind up for a discount for having bought the Genesis 2 sets. Now, speakiing of those, the thing is that I have a lot of your products, and most of them i find great and use a lot, but your Genesis 2 Vascularity product really disappointed me. It's been fine for doing some things on some minor and background characters, but it simply won't do the particular real world vascular look for one of my maain characters which was the main thing I bought it for ... and which would be the main thing I'd buy this version for on Genesis 3. So ...

    There is a common real world vascular look on fit people with some reaasonable muscle and fairly low body fat like assorted kinnds of athlete (but NOT competitive bodybuilders in competition condition, which i have no interest in, although one often does see this look on competitive bodybuilders at their offf season walking aorund weight) which is like this:

    In this particular look, with the person relaxed, no muscles under great tension, the most noticeable vein - very noticeable even at some distance and often the only noticeable vein when not right up close - is a prominent cephalic vein, straight not wiggly, running from where it disappears under the delts to the elbow. The placing of the vein varies from right at the rear edge of the biceps (and mostly then not obvious because it's in that groove) to right down the middle of the bicep. (The basilic vein, in these cases, is just as large, but is usually tucked into the rear edge of the bicep on the inside of the arm so isn't usually visible). Closer in, in this look, one can usually see the major veins in the forearms, though nothing like as prominent as the cephalic in the upper arm. Frequently no other veins are noticeable at all, torso, legs etc, other than neck and/or forehad veins if the person is upset or worked up in some way.

    An example of this look that springs to mind is Jonny Lee Miller as Sherlock in Elementary, certainly in the most recent series whenever his upper arms were bare. It is common in a lot of athetes, and especially in athletic women who rarely get down to the below 5 percent body fat where all the smaller veins branching of the cephalic etc bceome noticeable.

    I really want to do this look for several of my characters. I could not do it with your Genesis 2 Vascularity products. No torso or leg, some neck and forehead, and Basic lower arms at a not too high level was all fine, but the one thing those morphs could not do was the most important and most visible part of this look which is the upper arm part of just the prominent cephalic going from delts to inside of elbow. Basic Upper Arm was fine for the inside of the elbow bit but then didn't have the Cephalic at all. Full Upper Arm at a high level was needed for a prominent Cephalic (a bit too far to the rear for my taste ... not wrong, as the position is variable in real life, but aesthetically i prefer it only just outside the center line of the bicep as viewed from the front, as e.g. with the example I gave above, Jonny Lee Miller), but with your Ful Upper Arm morph all the other little branches were just as prominent and in many cases more prominent than the cephalic. so I could only get the cephalic with the mass of squiggly little branches highly visible too ... which one only sees on really low bodyfat bodybuilders and is not part of this (common real word) look.

    You know, with the Genesis 2s I went through painstakingly comparing all the V4, Genesis and Genesis 2 Male and Female vascularity products, both HD morph and dispalcement map based, actual vascularity product or just vein displacement maps or HD morphs that came with a character, by all vendors (so that included 3 of your products, several by RawArt, SimoWM, Male-M3da etc), map transfer converting all maps to the Genesis 2 Base Female and Male UVs as necessary, and swapping HD morphs between Genesis 2 Male and Female (which sadly I can't do with Genesis 3 as they are nto vertex comaptibe ... first time that's been true of DAZ base male and female figures since Michael and Victoria 2); and in the end the only way I could get the upper arms for this real world vasuclar look that is one of the most common amongst all people showing vascularity ended up being to take the colour map that came with a Genesis 2 Male HD product to use in LIE to colour the veins produced by the HD morph, forget the morph (fine on the upper arm, but it extended over the delt and onto the chest, and I can't edit HD morphs), change the map from blue on transparent to shades of grey on black, delete some bits, brighten the cephalic, then use map transfer tto change UVs and then use it as a displacement map.

    So ... this new Genesis 3 product. From the promos it looks very much like it's going to be pretty much the same as the Genesis 2 product. Is that correct? Very specifically, can one get the effect of an upper arm with JUST a very prominent Cephalic vein running along the front outside of the biceps (not right at the back of the outside of the biceps) and the veins running across the elbow, Cephalic vein disappearing under the deltoids, branches off over the bicep not visible, (basilic vein prominent or not not important if it's tucked back at the rear of the inside of the biceps)? If not, is there any chance such an upper arm option could be added, as while I've been editing PAs morphs on all generations of DAX figures since buying Victoria and Michael 2 back in, I can't edit HD morphs? In fact, if the base and full upper arms morphs ARE like the ones in Genesis 2, keeping them as is and adding a separate cephalic vein morph would be very useful - dialling it up with basic lower and upper  it would give this common real world look I'm after; and combining it with full upper would allow some useful variations for the truly low fat bodybuilder.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited June 2016

    :-) No-brainer cartfiller this one - but.. This is just my first attempt, but I tried first with a modified character and then with a bare G3F - and end up with this result on both.

    It seems the Vas Hands Basic and Vas Hands All deform the whole hand, which in itself isn't a huge problem - but when it makes the nails go crazy, it kind of is..

    The caps are from a G3F at SubD 3 - the problem is less pronounced @ SubD 1, but so is the vascularity effect..


    I will look into this now. I see the problem. Will send Daz an update asap. The issue was spotted on the male version as well.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited June 2016


    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    DavidGB said:

    Question ... or request ... or comment ,,,

    Haven't been in the forums to see this was coming, and I see I only have a short time to make my mind up for a discount for having bought the Genesis 2 sets. Now, speakiing of those, the thing is that I have a lot of your products, and most of them i find great and use a lot, but your Genesis 2 Vascularity product really disappointed me. It's been fine for doing some things on some minor and background characters, but it simply won't do the particular real world vascular look for one of my maain characters which was the main thing I bought it for ... and which would be the main thing I'd buy this version for on Genesis 3. So ...

    There is a common real world vascular look on fit people with some reaasonable muscle and fairly low body fat like assorted kinnds of athlete (but NOT competitive bodybuilders in competition condition, which i have no interest in, although one often does see this look on competitive bodybuilders at their offf season walking aorund weight) which is like this:

    In this particular look, with the person relaxed, no muscles under great tension, the most noticeable vein - very noticeable even at some distance and often the only noticeable vein when not right up close - is a prominent cephalic vein, straight not wiggly, running from where it disappears under the delts to the elbow. The placing of the vein varies from right at the rear edge of the biceps (and mostly then not obvious because it's in that groove) to right down the middle of the bicep. (The basilic vein, in these cases, is just as large, but is usually tucked into the rear edge of the bicep on the inside of the arm so isn't usually visible). Closer in, in this look, one can usually see the major veins in the forearms, though nothing like as prominent as the cephalic in the upper arm. Frequently no other veins are noticeable at all, torso, legs etc, other than neck and/or forehad veins if the person is upset or worked up in some way.

    An example of this look that springs to mind is Jonny Lee Miller as Sherlock in Elementary, certainly in the most recent series whenever his upper arms were bare. It is common in a lot of athetes, and especially in athletic women who rarely get down to the below 5 percent body fat where all the smaller veins branching of the cephalic etc bceome noticeable.

    I really want to do this look for several of my characters. I could not do it with your Genesis 2 Vascularity products. No torso or leg, some neck and forehead, and Basic lower arms at a not too high level was all fine, but the one thing those morphs could not do was the most important and most visible part of this look which is the upper arm part of just the prominent cephalic going from delts to inside of elbow. Basic Upper Arm was fine for the inside of the elbow bit but then didn't have the Cephalic at all. Full Upper Arm at a high level was needed for a prominent Cephalic (a bit too far to the rear for my taste ... not wrong, as the position is variable in real life, but aesthetically i prefer it only just outside the center line of the bicep as viewed from the front, as e.g. with the example I gave above, Jonny Lee Miller), but with your Ful Upper Arm morph all the other little branches were just as prominent and in many cases more prominent than the cephalic. so I could only get the cephalic with the mass of squiggly little branches highly visible too ... which one only sees on really low bodyfat bodybuilders and is not part of this (common real word) look.

    You know, with the Genesis 2s I went through painstakingly comparing all the V4, Genesis and Genesis 2 Male and Female vascularity products, both HD morph and dispalcement map based, actual vascularity product or just vein displacement maps or HD morphs that came with a character, by all vendors (so that included 3 of your products, several by RawArt, SimoWM, Male-M3da etc), map transfer converting all maps to the Genesis 2 Base Female and Male UVs as necessary, and swapping HD morphs between Genesis 2 Male and Female (which sadly I can't do with Genesis 3 as they are nto vertex comaptibe ... first time that's been true of DAZ base male and female figures since Michael and Victoria 2); and in the end the only way I could get the upper arms for this real world vasuclar look that is one of the most common amongst all people showing vascularity ended up being to take the colour map that came with a Genesis 2 Male HD product to use in LIE to colour the veins produced by the HD morph, forget the morph (fine on the upper arm, but it extended over the delt and onto the chest, and I can't edit HD morphs), change the map from blue on transparent to shades of grey on black, delete some bits, brighten the cephalic, then use map transfer tto change UVs and then use it as a displacement map.

    So ... this new Genesis 3 product. From the promos it looks very much like it's going to be pretty much the same as the Genesis 2 product. Is that correct? Very specifically, can one get the effect of an upper arm with JUST a very prominent Cephalic vein running along the front outside of the biceps (not right at the back of the outside of the biceps) and the veins running across the elbow, Cephalic vein disappearing under the deltoids, branches off over the bicep not visible, (basilic vein prominent or not not important if it's tucked back at the rear of the inside of the biceps)? If not, is there any chance such an upper arm option could be added, as while I've been editing PAs morphs on all generations of DAX figures since buying Victoria and Michael 2 back in, I can't edit HD morphs? In fact, if the base and full upper arms morphs ARE like the ones in Genesis 2, keeping them as is and adding a separate cephalic vein morph would be very useful - dialling it up with basic lower and upper  it would give this common real world look I'm after; and combining it with full upper would allow some useful variations for the truly low fat bodybuilder.

    I can look into making a seperate Cephalic vein morph and how that will tie in to the existing morphs. Also changing it's position might be tricky if combined with existing morphs where its current position is different.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    FusionLA said:

    Another buy for me, and thank you for the extra discount!


    Went into the cart shortly after DAZ midnight, and purchased immediately! I'm looking forward to playing this weekend.

    Thank you.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Thank you. Enjoy.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited June 2016


    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • JeremyDJeremyD Posts: 265

    Purchased this one. Thank you Zev0!


  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Updated Product is live in store. Thank you.

  • twitchewtwitchew Posts: 124
    Zev0 said:
    DavidGB said:

    Question ... or request ... or comment ,,,

    Haven't been in the forums to see this was coming, and I see I only have a short time to make my mind up for a discount for having bought the Genesis 2 sets. Now, speakiing of those, the thing is that I have a lot of your products, and most of them i find great and use a lot, but your Genesis 2 Vascularity product really disappointed me. It's been fine for doing some things on some minor and background characters, but it simply won't do the particular real world vascular look for one of my maain characters which was the main thing I bought it for ... and which would be the main thing I'd buy this version for on Genesis 3. So ...

    There is a common real world vascular look on fit people with some reaasonable muscle and fairly low body fat like assorted kinnds of athlete (but NOT competitive bodybuilders in competition condition, which i have no interest in, although one often does see this look on competitive bodybuilders at their offf season walking aorund weight) which is like this:

    In this particular look, with the person relaxed, no muscles under great tension, the most noticeable vein - very noticeable even at some distance and often the only noticeable vein when not right up close - is a prominent cephalic vein, straight not wiggly, running from where it disappears under the delts to the elbow. The placing of the vein varies from right at the rear edge of the biceps (and mostly then not obvious because it's in that groove) to right down the middle of the bicep. (The basilic vein, in these cases, is just as large, but is usually tucked into the rear edge of the bicep on the inside of the arm so isn't usually visible). Closer in, in this look, one can usually see the major veins in the forearms, though nothing like as prominent as the cephalic in the upper arm. Frequently no other veins are noticeable at all, torso, legs etc, other than neck and/or forehad veins if the person is upset or worked up in some way.

    An example of this look that springs to mind is Jonny Lee Miller as Sherlock in Elementary, certainly in the most recent series whenever his upper arms were bare. It is common in a lot of athetes, and especially in athletic women who rarely get down to the below 5 percent body fat where all the smaller veins branching of the cephalic etc bceome noticeable.

    I really want to do this look for several of my characters. I could not do it with your Genesis 2 Vascularity products. No torso or leg, some neck and forehead, and Basic lower arms at a not too high level was all fine, but the one thing those morphs could not do was the most important and most visible part of this look which is the upper arm part of just the prominent cephalic going from delts to inside of elbow. Basic Upper Arm was fine for the inside of the elbow bit but then didn't have the Cephalic at all. Full Upper Arm at a high level was needed for a prominent Cephalic (a bit too far to the rear for my taste ... not wrong, as the position is variable in real life, but aesthetically i prefer it only just outside the center line of the bicep as viewed from the front, as e.g. with the example I gave above, Jonny Lee Miller), but with your Ful Upper Arm morph all the other little branches were just as prominent and in many cases more prominent than the cephalic. so I could only get the cephalic with the mass of squiggly little branches highly visible too ... which one only sees on really low bodyfat bodybuilders and is not part of this (common real word) look.

    You know, with the Genesis 2s I went through painstakingly comparing all the V4, Genesis and Genesis 2 Male and Female vascularity products, both HD morph and dispalcement map based, actual vascularity product or just vein displacement maps or HD morphs that came with a character, by all vendors (so that included 3 of your products, several by RawArt, SimoWM, Male-M3da etc), map transfer converting all maps to the Genesis 2 Base Female and Male UVs as necessary, and swapping HD morphs between Genesis 2 Male and Female (which sadly I can't do with Genesis 3 as they are nto vertex comaptibe ... first time that's been true of DAZ base male and female figures since Michael and Victoria 2); and in the end the only way I could get the upper arms for this real world vasuclar look that is one of the most common amongst all people showing vascularity ended up being to take the colour map that came with a Genesis 2 Male HD product to use in LIE to colour the veins produced by the HD morph, forget the morph (fine on the upper arm, but it extended over the delt and onto the chest, and I can't edit HD morphs), change the map from blue on transparent to shades of grey on black, delete some bits, brighten the cephalic, then use map transfer tto change UVs and then use it as a displacement map.

    So ... this new Genesis 3 product. From the promos it looks very much like it's going to be pretty much the same as the Genesis 2 product. Is that correct? Very specifically, can one get the effect of an upper arm with JUST a very prominent Cephalic vein running along the front outside of the biceps (not right at the back of the outside of the biceps) and the veins running across the elbow, Cephalic vein disappearing under the deltoids, branches off over the bicep not visible, (basilic vein prominent or not not important if it's tucked back at the rear of the inside of the biceps)? If not, is there any chance such an upper arm option could be added, as while I've been editing PAs morphs on all generations of DAX figures since buying Victoria and Michael 2 back in, I can't edit HD morphs? In fact, if the base and full upper arms morphs ARE like the ones in Genesis 2, keeping them as is and adding a separate cephalic vein morph would be very useful - dialling it up with basic lower and upper  it would give this common real world look I'm after; and combining it with full upper would allow some useful variations for the truly low fat bodybuilder.

    I can look into making a seperate Cephalic vein morph and how that will tie in to the existing morphs. Also changing it's position might be tricky if combined with existing morphs where its current position is different.

    Thanks for considering the change.

    I am also hoping to find a way to get some kind of a map to these HD morphs that I could use to create a vein map as well and make things look even better. 

  • maxoHmaxoH Posts: 3

    Can get things fairly close to 'Scanners', which is fun!

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited June 2016
    nicstt said:

    Oh ya I am so looking forward to the skin builder for G3

    I bought it for G2 but never figured out how to use it effectively; I think I didn't know enough about Daz when I got it. I rarely use G2 now. Any good tutorials and examples of what can be done? Before and After looks?

    ....a total godsend for me as I don't have to purchase a bunch of different character morphs just to get different skins.  This will be even more important with G3 due to the mapping change which makes it next to impossible to use older skins.

    Here's one example of an albino skin I created with Skin Builder Pro for Genesis/G2


    Kelly albino.png
    636 x 900 - 615K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    kyoto kid said:
    nicstt said:

    Oh ya I am so looking forward to the skin builder for G3

    I bought it for G2 but never figured out how to use it effectively; I think I didn't know enough about Daz when I got it. I rarely use G2 now. Any good tutorials and examples of what can be done? Before and After looks?

    ....a total godsend for me as I don't have to purchase a bunch of different character morphs just to get different skins.  This will be even more important with G3 due to the mapping change which makes it next to impossible to use older skins.

    Here's one example of an albino skin I created with Skin Builder Pro for Genesis/G2


    I bought growing up skins and the adult addon; seems that might do what I need. Still interested though.

  • HamEinarHamEinar Posts: 121
    Zev0 said:

    :-) No-brainer cartfiller this one - but.. This is just my first attempt, but I tried first with a modified character and then with a bare G3F - and end up with this result on both.

    It seems the Vas Hands Basic and Vas Hands All deform the whole hand, which in itself isn't a huge problem - but when it makes the nails go crazy, it kind of is..

    The caps are from a G3F at SubD 3 - the problem is less pronounced @ SubD 1, but so is the vascularity effect..


    I will look into this now. I see the problem. Will send Daz an update asap. The issue was spotted on the male version as well.

    THANK YOU! :-) - excellent product, and beyond excellent response-time!!

  • peteVaultpeteVault Posts: 308

    Thank you for this wonderful utility.

    3500 x 2793 - 2M
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited June 2016

    A quick and dirty test to try the new morphs out.  I see what einar was talking about on the hands, but otherwise these are just spectacular. 


    G3F Vascularity test 1.jpg
    1061 x 1500 - 498K
    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    For some reason these morphs do not appear to be doing something for me. Do these work in Iray?

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    Sigurd said:

    For some reason these morphs do not appear to be doing something for me. Do these work in Iray?

    Whar are your Render SubD settings? I think +3 is required.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    I will check. Where is this setting located?


  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited June 2016
    twitchew said:
    Zev0 said:
    DavidGB said:


    DavidGB said:
    I am also hoping to find a way to get some kind of a map to these HD morphs that I could use to create a vein map as well and make things look even better. 

    I hope you get an answer for this - I use the G2 vascularity morphs but would like a way to have some of that under-skin blue-ness that many (especially pale-skinned) people have.

    Post edited by marble on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited June 2016
    marble said:
    Sigurd said:

    For some reason these morphs do not appear to be doing something for me. Do these work in Iray?

    Whar are your Render SubD settings? I think +3 is required.

    Yes. Change the render Sub-D Level. Should work on 2 as well but for best results it's designed for use on 3. If you wish to view the vein details at actual quality before rendering, click on Sub-d level, edit max value, set to to 3 and the figure will be at level 3 in viewport, then drop down once you happy with your vein strengths. As long as your render level is at 2 or 3 it will show when rendering.

    421 x 312 - 31K
    416 x 329 - 32K
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    That worked. Thank you very much. I was starting to get a little concerned.


    Awesome product and support.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    You're welcome. Enjoy.


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