Can't find Future Series Part 2 Iray in Smart Pane or Content pane

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling three times. Yesterday, part I was there, but now has disappeared. Yes, I own ALL the required products. I checked in DIM and they are not where DIM says they should be. I had DS turned off when I installed. Still not there... I quit DS uninstalled and reinstalled three times... Yes, I'm new, may have done something wrong, but so far everything else has installed, although often in odd places that require a search. These don't show up when I search any of the terms that DIM says they are listed as, yet shows they are installed. So frustrated! Please help! Thanks!
Have you looked in the Product section of the Content Library pane? All products should be listed alphabetically there.
What version of Das Studio are you running? Some very early versions of DS 4.9 had bugs that caused products to disappear, but that has been fixed.
4.9 installed directly from DAZ in the middle of March... Nope, not in content pane... I seem to have a lot of trouble in DS, probably a lot more than most! I'm on a Mac. Now I just installed something else brand new and when I tried to open it, it said I had duplicate versions on my Mac. How??? Also that product didn't work either, it has LAMH and I have the player but the hair wasn't even attached to the character so I tried parenting it to Genesis, then DAZ crashed. I'm almost ready to give up on DS but I spent a lot of money on DS only products,,,
Go to the Help menu and select About Daz Studio. The version number is in the upper left corner of that splash screen. What version do you have? Did you ever run a Beta version before installing the released version?
Are you sure your disc drives are in good working order? Are you having data loss problems with any other applications or data files?
Do some of your DIM product installations work and others don't work, or does nothing install correctly?
What LAMH product did you try to install and use? Are you rendering with 3Delight or Iray? LAMH was created before Iray was available. It requires some extra steps to get it to work with Iray. That is documented somewhere in the forums.
I run Windows 10, so I can't help you with Mac specific issues, but there are Mac users in the forums who may be able to help. You do seem to have many more problems that most people.
I have Daz version Pro, never ran a beta version, unless this is one. I downloaded whatever they had during March Madness. Disc drives are fine, no problems with any other software including Photoshop and Poser.
At first I was confused by Dim but then I created a second Poser Runtime directory and everything seems to be installing OK, but often randomly all over the place. There is a whole section called "Lost and Found." Lisa's botanicals has one item in a folder separate from everything else. Brooke for G3 loads in a separate section from all other G3 characters. One thing went into a folder "texture" instead of "textures." I keep updating the metadata but that doesn't seem to help. I have a LOT of products! Dating back to Victoria 2! I'm rendering with IRay. I was going to add Uber Shader on the monkey's fur but couldn't get fur to work so I'm using a fur Iray shader.
The character I was trying to work with was Darwin the toon chimp. He has a texture on top of him with a green outline that is supposed to be for LAMH. But it was not parented to him. When I moved him, the fur did not go with him, so I tried parenting it to Genesis as a whole, not a particular part. When I did that DS crashed. Twice. At exactly the same time. I have LAMH player installed, at least according to DIM, I have no idea where... But why isn't the fur parented to the monkey? I find that odd. I think all these problems was why I gave up on DS a long time ago, but now I've invested too much money to quit...
"Lost and Found" is in Smart Content or categories, it isn't in a file-based view. In the Content Library pane look to see if darwin is under DAZ Studio Formats>Content Directory You Installed To>People>Genesis>Characters>RawArt>Raw_Darwin (according to the readme). All products with user-facing files (not things like morphs or UV sets that load with the figure) in stalled by DIM will appear somewhere under DAZ Studio Formats>Content Directory You Installed To> or Poser Formats>Content Directory You Installed To>, with the somewhere being listed in the readme. If things are not appearing in the CMS based views (Smart Content, Products, or Categories) then the file based views are the first thing to check.
Oh Darwin is in the smart content, it's just that the fur is not parented and and crashes when I try to parent it. It's the Future Series Iray that doesn't show up. Sorry for the confusion! is a good version. You never ran a Beta, so you didn't have the version that corrupted the database. Those are both good things.
Seeing lots of content in Lost and Found is unfortunately "normal". Especially if you are installing old content like Victoria 2! Lots of older content doesn't have metadata (yet). That means that it will not be categorized and will fall into Lost and Found. Even new products end up with files in Lost and Found for things like descriptive text icons the don't "do" anything.
Are you sure you have the DIM configured to install content in the same folder that you have mapped by the Content Directory Manager inside Daz Studio? If not, you won't see your installed content in Daz Studio.
I don't have the chimp, but I have the skunk. When I load the skunk, the green hair guidelines are loaded automatically as Skunk LAMH Group. The LAMH group is NOT parented to the skunk object. When I move the skunk, it takes a few seconds for the green guides to jump to the new skunk location, but they do move to the new location. If you need help with LAMH, you'd do better to visit the official thread for that product. Perhaps you are expecting it to work in ways that it is not intended to work, like trying to render directly with Iray. You should not be applying the Iray Uber shader to the LAMH Group.
OK, thanks. These are actually two different issues and there's confusion about which is which. Because when I moved Darwin, the green outline didn't follow, I assumed it was supposed to right away and should be parented. I never got as far as doing anything else because that's when DS crashed.
The other completely unrelated issue is that the new Iray versions of the GIS Future Light/Bright stuff is not showing up at all, just all the original versions. I just uninstalled all GIS/Future products through DIM and am in the process of reinstalling them, hoping that somehow that will work. It's possible that I have sooo much content maybe DIM is getting confused? (Like I am LOL.)
Edited to say that, yay, now the Iray versions are showing up in the content panr at least. Still not in smart content, but at least I can find and use them!
Try this:
You should be able to locate the product in Smart Content. (I don't own it, so I can't verify.) When you do, double click on the product icon and it will switch to a view of all the items in that product and show you how they are categorized. Click on "All" or any of the category names to see the content that is categorized that way for that product.
Here is a link to some Smart Content help I posted for someone else. It may help.