Translation of imported zbrush object.

In Zbrush I have created an object that will go with my DAZ Figure.
When the object is sent to the scene, it appear so far off as to be invisible.
If I rotate the figure in the viewport I can see the obj in the distance.
How can I make an imported object appear in the center of the grid ( with the figure)
Thank you
Which preset did you use when importing the OBJ? If you made it against an exported base figure OBJ which preset did you use when exporting, if you didn't use GoZ?
Had scene open in DAZ with figure.
Created obj in zbrush separate from figure ( no figure in zbrush)
Used GoZ to send. Object came in 3 miles away from figure
Not first time, if goz is used to DAZ, obect come in at translation and scale that defies grid even without figure
I was hoping there was a way to select the object and position it at 0.0.0.
Only thing available is move to floor which makes the grid disappear
You can use the Align pane to bring the object (by its bounding box) into alignment with a null crated in the middle of the scene. This does sound rather like a possible bug, please open a Techncial Support ticket giving the steps you follow to reproduce it (using as simpole an example as possible).
Thank you very usual.