Caught in the Rigging: Figure Setup Pane issues

I'm trying to rig some boots, following the tutorial here:
I'm at the part where it says to drag my object (the boot) into the Geometry node in the relationships pane....
I try this, and it doesn't go in there. Just nothing happens.. Is there something else going wrong? Is this a difference between the several years of the tutorial?

Screenshot 2016-05-02 23.37.34.png
829 x 363 - 109K

Screenshot 2016-05-02 23.37.23.png
1148 x 342 - 69K
Post edited by Scavenger on
Hi Scavenger,
I just happened to see your post... I wrote that tutorial quite awhile back when Genesis was still the main figure and I think we were still on DS4.0. Studio has made many changes to the rigging tools since then and Genesis has evolved to. The tutorial was written for the Genesis 1 figure but it does work for the most part on Genesis 2.
In the newer version of Studio I have noticed that it doesn't always show the Geometry number as changing when you drag it over. If you right-click on Geometry and select to Remove Geometry Reference, the count should go to none. Then when you drag and drop the count will go to 0. Your geometry is there though. When you click create your figure should show in the viewport and the scene pane.
As I mentioned, I wrote that back in the early days of Genesis and Studio had a bad habit of destroying shoes. The newer version of Studio is much easier to create heeled shoes in and there is a YouTube video showing how. But this method does still seem to work.
I hope this helped you, good luck on your project...
Thanks! I'm trying a new method of converting v4 to g2f, turning the v4 shoes into props, and then just rigging them...hopefully this well get me somewhere!
I've tried clearing it to none, but still can't get the boot into the geometry field...need to re-read thru to find if i'm missing something in my obj.
EDIT: Ok, I changed it from the default Triax to Parametric (Legacy), and then it let me add the boot, then swiched it back to triax and now on to the next steps..
If I may ask, what version of Studio are you using?
I have Studio 4.9 open now and G2 female loaded and imported a few different .obj files in to test. They all work just fine. You mentioned that you are converting V4 shoes... and I noticed that the geometry object in your screen shot has a + next to it... It could be that the groups of the .obj are in conflict with the groups of the G2 rigging and that is why it doesn't seem to work...
I'm using 4.8. It's a single (left) shoe with 2 faces..I just edited above, and toggling the rigging type switch seemed to do it. :)
I'm glad it's all sorted out for you... that's a odd glitch but it happens...
Glad I could help
I appreciate you checking in! I'll let you know how it all finishes up! :D
This worked spot on!
The materials need tweaking/fixing/updating, but that's nothing!
Thanks for the tutorial and help niccipb!
Hi Scavenger,
Thats great! I'm glad it's worked for you and that the tutorial is still helping people...
have fun...
And worked again!
For anyone following, I've detailed my 10 steps that I use to get things readdy for Nicci's tutorial here