How good is Daz Studio 4.9 Pro?

I find myself having to download more stuff with no files in my version of daz. Also, my computer hasn't been working right ever since I downloaded it from the site. The computer freezes, closes tabs and so on. So, should I get rid of this software? Since I'm not getting the experience I wanted.
What do you mean by download more stuff? The application and content that come with DS do not require anything more, though of course Daz hopes you will buy add-ons.
I can't imagine how DS would affect other windows or cause freezes - what operating system are you using, is Daz Studio running when you ahve the issues, are you rendering at that time? What are your system specs?
Hi and thanks for answering! What I meant was that I downloaded files from the install manager, hoping to get more content. Then I downloaded the software itself. ( Probably a bad idea to download the install manager then software ) When I opened daz studio 4.9, there were no files. Then overtime my computer began freezing, closing tabs ( Half the time asking me to close unresponsive tabs in windows or wait until they fixed themselves ) and processing slower. I deleted it today and my laptop began functioning better. Do you know what the problem was? If you understand what I'm saying. Again, I personally think it was due to me downloading the install manager first. I'll try to download daz studio pro 4.9 again. ( First this time ) Once again, thanks for replying, and if you know what the problem was, please let me know.
The issue may be that you didn't install PostgreSQL CMS -- that's the database that drives many of the content views. You can install the software with Daz Install Manager, but also install PostgreSQL CMS. If you still have content installed, in DIM (Daz Install Manager) you can selet them all in the Installed tab, then right-click on one and choose "Re-Import Metadata > All Selected". Then you should see the content. Let us know if you're still getting a lot of unresponsive tabs after that.
Alternatively it may have been a securoty software issue - there are known conflicts between Zone Alarm and PostgreSQL. On other possibility, after installing a lot of content in Windows the indexing service can go a bit nuts as it tries to catalogue everything (and you may have an anti-virus aplication making its own file signature list too) which can have a notieable effect on disc performance.
No, that is the right way round. A possible gotcha, though, is what you mean by "downloaded files from the install manager". Did you download and install the DIM (Download Installation Manager) or did you install the DIM and use it to download content before you installed DAZ|Studio itself? Despite the assurances we get regularly from DAZ, the DIM program is easy to misunderstand, and much too easy to set up wrongly. One common glitch is that all your files are properly installed, but the settings in DAZ|Studio aren't pointing to them (because D|S wasn't installed when you installed the content).
Note that there are three things going on here; the DIM installer software, the DAZ|Studio software, and the content files (which are not software). If you get mixed up, things can get complicated.
That could be, but when downloading the install manager, it mentioned the PostgreSQL CMS. Though it wasn't installed at the time, and when it was downloaded, the computer acted worse and I deleted daz studio 4.9. I reinstalled it and the computer isn't acting up like it did yesterday. Before re downloading daz, I installed the PostgreSQL CMS. My problem now is half of the files are missing like the human figures. Instead of there being actors, "block people" with arms, legs, torsos and heads are there. The accessories are present too and a few other things, but not the actors, for example; and I'm sure that has nothing to do with me not downloading install manager yet.
So do I delete some programs then? Oh and sorry I didn't answer a few of your questions. Anyways, my operating system is windows, and daz wasn't running too well. My computer would freeze and click out of my user name where I had to re enter my password. Part of my screen would go black and I think daz would freeze. For rendering, if you mean making scenes, no. I didn't have any files available. As for system specs, I used 32 bit for windows if that's what you mean.
I downloaded the DIM before getting Daz Studio 4.9. During the time the programs, or whatever, were installing/downloading, I downloaded DS 4.9 on my computer. That was before I deleted and reinstalled daz, which led to me having no more problems on my PC. ( I learned my lesson about the downloading process ) Now I'm seeing files on there, but when I click on at least half of them, daz says they're not there or I need to locate them. This is after I deleted and reinstalled daz yesterday. My issue now is at least half of the files are missing, and they're nowhere on my hard drive. I haven't redownloaded the DIM yet, could that be the problem?
Where were the files installed?
This PC>Downloads>Desktop.
Is that the zips or the installed content?
Can you go into Daz Studio, go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, expand the "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" sections, and post a screenshot?
How do I post a screen shot? Not really "tech savvy."
Why do you want to see?
Because we have no other way of knowing what is going on...your content is either not installed correctly or the directories are not properly mapped, so that Studio can find the content.
To see if they're set up correctly. One issue with the location you're using is that it's a virtual identifier which actually combines 2 locations:
So I want to see where DS is really looking.
Okay, I trust you. So how do I make a screen shot?
Sure, just let me know how to screen shot it.
You can use apps like or
These are great because not only does it screenshot, lightshot, for instance, gives you annotation tools, and both upload the image immediately so you just post the url to the image.
You also can use the built-in Snipping Tool of Windows :
Here's also a tutorial video:
If you are using Windows 7 or later you can use the Snipping Tool, which allows you to draw a rectangle around the area of the screen that you wish to take a copy of - then click the disc icon to save. To attach the image to a post click the Attach a File link under the text entry field, then click the Bowse button and select your saved screenshot.
32 bit Windows is going to be very limiting - as is no more than 4GB of RAM. System specs mean processor, video card, RAM, and operating system at least - disc space may be a factor too.
Those are the default paths, so if you are isntalling with the Isntall Manager and it is also using the defaults the content should be correctly placed.
So there shouldn't be a problem? Oh and I have yet to install the DIM; also, this is what figures look like in my software.
If you didn't install DIM how did you install the content? Which figure is that, and exactly where on your machine is the .duf file you are loading?
If you haven't installed the content with the install manager, then where, exactly is it installed...because if you didn't install it to the default paths, then you will need to add the location it is installed in to Studio's list of content directories.
The content was there already. I started my "daz experience" with installing the DIM and had some files downloaded until I removed the DIM. As for the figure, well....I can't entirely remember. I think this is a male actor somewhere around the surfer guy. But this seems to be happening to all figures, including that surfer. I would go back and look, but now that I've reinstalled the DIM, I can't log in to my daz account or access my files on DS 4.9. I'll have to remove the install manager again, probably. For the duf file, hm.....I just used the snipping tool to make this, so I could show you what it looks like. It was a file on my daz account in DS 4.9.
Well, I downloaded the DIM and installed various files. I removed those files before deleting the DIM, but there are files on my account name in DS 4.9. Not really sure where the content files are stored on my hard drive, I just found them in my smart content. But I'll try to find and add their locations to the "content directories," once I delete the DIM. Since it's preventing me from logging into my account on DS 4.9 and accessing my files.
You almost certainly don't have the various Genesis # Starter essentials packs installed, in whichc ase you may also lack the Default Resources pack. They come with DS but are separate installs.
Nevermind, after restarting the computer, I was able to login to my account on DS 4.9.
Will downloading them fix this?