I like 3delight!

It's been a while since I used it... I purchased my GTX 970 and switched to iray for the last while. However, I just came back to 3delight the other day. I have to say that I kinda missed it's nice cartoonish touch. I just wish 3delight would get GPU accelration, this would be such a huge thing. I like iray too, but it just can't produce the same image as 3delight. I guess they both have their purposes. Iray = realism, and 3delight = cute and cartoon-like! I have to say that it was good coming back and making a few renders with 3delight.
I have to agree - I learned to like Iray, but still appreciate 3Delight a lot, when it comes to more artificially looking render :-)
I've found that you can actually do fairly realistic stuff in 3DL, with the right tools and approach.
But then you are looking at 1-2 hour renders. Heh.
Good job on those renders!
I too love 3Delight a whole lot.
I switched from iMac to PC last week in order to be able to use Iray aswell as 3Delight.
They are both great.
I agree! Both are good and fit different purposes. I can only hope that one day 3delight will implement GPU acceleration. Iray is faster in almost anything due to its GPU acceleration. I would love to put 3delight to some bigger art projects.
even with CPU-only iRay is quicker (compared with 3Delight photorealistic Bounce (GI).
But for 3Delight you have the choice to switch to way quicker modes (simple UE2).
Well, it looks like people are not prepared to wait enough for the iray renders anyway even if they do have GPU rendering ;) looking at many promo images for new products they look like rubbish somtimes with tones of noise.
I 100% agree with you on that.
3Delight has always be a realible and good friend to me and I am still using it.
It got much faster since I got my new PC but I have to go into the Iray settings to uncheck GPU and check CPU and I love to have a constant workflow without going back and forth to uncheck those settings.
If I where a Vendor I would not wait until it is at 100%.
The Amount of Promo Images that some of the Images have... I do not mind to see some noise.
I only make maybe 1 Image a week, but those guys work on many products wich adds to MANY promotional images, you can not sit around to wait for a Iray render to finish , you would never put a product in the store if you would.
I dont follow the percentage I let it run until there is no noise left it can take hours but I come from Lux rendering so Im kind of used to it..
Man, bounce kills my stuff so badly. I think I need to practice a little more with ambient light to see if I can make reasonably realistic light without bounce.
I have been doing some experementing with 3delight over the last few days, and I have been keeping raytrace off. I'm finding I like the final render with raytrace off IMO. It's way quicker, and it looks very neat and cartoon-like. This test is for portraits with no objects. The render time is so fast. I used the advanced ambient light, camera light, and one distant light with the deep shadow map, and the results are nice IMO for what I'm looking for.
Below is an image of the G3 Adaline character. The settings are DAZ defaults with ray tracing off and the three lights I mentioned above. This was rendered with 3delight, and it only takes seconds! It's really great for the this cartoon-like stuff. If I need realism, I got iray! :D
NOTE: If you are using HD characters like Adaline, make sure to turn the Subd setting all to 0, or else it will take much longer. 3DL is so slow when it comes to rendering hd figures.
The Image is not bad, but one can tell you have no raytrace on, you can tell by the look of the hair, their is no depth in it.
It will take longer, you will see such a difference.
On my new PC even HD characters render 5 times faster than they did on the iMac, so i am a happy bunny.
I read that some have 2 Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 ti, they must be rendering in seconds.
EDIT: Accedentally posted twice, see post below.
Yeah, that hair was a bad example. The method I used works better on the less detailed hair like this. http://www.daz3d.com/kiriko-hair-for-genesis-2-female-s-and-victoria-4
The HD characters render fine in iray for me, but man... It goes to a complete crawl in 3dl unless I turn off the subd settings. Faster rendering is good! I got my GTX 970 just for iray, I used to use CPU mode lol.
Here is a different image using the non ray traced method. It's small portrait of a face using the above hair in the link. It gives it kind of a anime-cartoony feel.