Is it me or Daz is misbehaving . . badly . . sometimes?

Ok, sorry about the title. Now I am a little bit better and I am trying more difficult things with Daz. But sometimes it just does not follows my orders! I set up this very simple scene. One model, one room, a background, two linear point light, and three spotlight. Switch off all the camera lights, the default one, and so on, render once and everything was like I wanted. Great. Add a camera and forget to swicht off the light. Try to render and noticed straight away. So i swicht off the light from the last camera that I have added . . but not change. Not matter what I have done afterwards to return to the lighting condition of my first render, I could not. Very Annoing. At least. Close Daz. Restart the PC, open the scene again, nothing. Tomorrow I have to try to rebuild my scene from scratch, basically. So . . is it me . . or Daz? Just asking.
You can switch the headlamp off entirely in Render Settings under the General group in the Editor tab. However, if you are using spot and point lights then the ehadlamp should turn off automatically without your doing anything. (Do note, however, that if you are rendering in Iray a Linear Pointlight is the same as a regular pointlight). Are you saving as a scene or a scene subset? The latter won't store render settings, which may be part of your issue.
Thanks Richard. You know what? I thought I did switch everything off.. But I discovered that even with everything off, I had to put the enviroment intensity slider to 0, even if I haven't got any IBL loaded anymore for the scene. There was one before, but I took it away. Great tip. No, I'm saving as scene at the moment, but I want to have a look at the save as a sub scene option.
If Dome is still set as a lighting source in the environment group of render settings but there's no HDRI then the Sun Sky model will be used - sunlight and indirect light as at the time and location set. If you are using Iray and want just the physical lights then you must set the environment mode to Scene only.
Thanks Richard for your help. I did not know that.