Smart Content - Lost and Found

I've migrated to DAZ 4.9 in the last couple months, and I like how the smart content actually works now (unlike before where 3/4 of my purchases didn't show up in it when I tried to use it to fitler content).  I like how I can DL what I want right there from within DAZ.


A large # of items are found not in their category areas within Smart Content, like Materials, Hair, Shaders, but in "Lost and Found."  I can of course install and use them, but they seem to stay there, in Lost and Found... What does one have to do to get the item out of L&F and into the Materials or Hair or Poses categories?


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    The "Lost and Found" category is where items that don't have correct metadata go, so that everything shows up somewhere.  Daz has a content librarian who is going through all those products and adding/correcting the metadata, but of course there are a lot of products.  You can recategorize items yourself if you wish in the interim.

  • Steven-VSteven-V Posts: 727

    OK, so I guess I just have to be patient and they will update it.

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