Smart Content - Lost and Found

I've migrated to DAZ 4.9 in the last couple months, and I like how the smart content actually works now (unlike before where 3/4 of my purchases didn't show up in it when I tried to use it to fitler content). I like how I can DL what I want right there from within DAZ.
A large # of items are found not in their category areas within Smart Content, like Materials, Hair, Shaders, but in "Lost and Found." I can of course install and use them, but they seem to stay there, in Lost and Found... What does one have to do to get the item out of L&F and into the Materials or Hair or Poses categories?
The "Lost and Found" category is where items that don't have correct metadata go, so that everything shows up somewhere. Daz has a content librarian who is going through all those products and adding/correcting the metadata, but of course there are a lot of products. You can recategorize items yourself if you wish in the interim.
OK, so I guess I just have to be patient and they will update it.