Thanks Richard and mjc1016...I didn't do an allover texture just a partial with transmaps. This has such possibilities plus I'm really enjoying messing around with it to see what I can do. I love the fact that you can weight map it and move it away from the body.
I used my own maps on the that shouldn't be an issue. Is there a way to save the node so it's easy to preload or would I need to do pdf explaining how to use the files? It's not finished yet but this is what I have so far.
The leaves and the transmap are applied to the node...the texture underneath is my diva texture that goes with my morph. It's not set up for Iray only 3delight at the moment but it didn't do too badly but still needs to be adjusted.
Ahh...I don't think it is a geometry shell. He used the edit duplicate node function which gives you like a duplicate figure which you can then create/new push modifier weight node...sorry still trying to get a handle on this myself. Can you add the push modifier node to a geometry shell? Because if so I could use that instead. I just like the fact that with the weight map brush I can bring it away from the skin in chosen areas. only question that I still have is whether the function create/new push modifier weight node is the same as a standard push modifier? Which I think is what you get with a geometry shell...
No, the Push Modifier Weight Node adds a selectable node to the scene through which you can access a weight map to control the stregnth of the Push Modifier (the way you can control a DForm with a weight map, but that doesn't need a special node as you can already select the DForm directly).
No nodes of that type involved. Select a figure or prop with a push modifier, Create>New Push Modifier Weight Node, select the node, switch to the Node Weight paint brush Tool, in Tool Settings click Add Map next to the name of the modifier. There's a slider under the map's entry - by default this shows the offset from the Mesh Offset setting on the object but you can vary it. Using two push modifiers on the same item, each with its own map and with opposite signs, you can push some sections proud and dent others in. Here I took two spheres, added two modifiers (one positive, one negative) and very (very) crudely painted them with the mouse. It's almost a pseudo morph brush (though sadly we can't spawn a morph from a push modifier).
It's almost a pseudo morph brush (though sadly we can't spawn a morph from a push modifier).
Ummm...not quite true.
We can export the 'pushed' item as an obj and use it in Morph Loader...
So while it's not a direct spawning of a morph, it is possible to create morphs this way. I imagine it could be useful for wrinkles and such.
Just painted the weights as Richard did above (went for a smaller brush with less falloff to get the spikes). The lefthand sphere is the one with the weighted push and the one on the right is the morphed one (at 70-some% and SubD).
Interesting, so I am right in thinking the push modifier that comes with the geometry shell is not able to be edited with weight mapping. So the next silly question is probably can I create one on a geometry shell? I think I'll need to play some more with this and see what I can do.
From what you've said I can save a geometry shell as a wearable and I'm assuming that it's possible ot distribute them?
mjc: Yes, I meant tat there's no in-DS way to spawn a morph as there is with a DForm.
Pendraia: you can add a Push Modifier Weight Node to the push modifier on a Geometry Shell (that's what i did above). You don't, as far as I know, have to save the node with the wearables preset - the maps belong to the push modifier, the node is just a way to gain access to them for editing; if you apply weight maps to a Push modifier and then delete the node the weights will remain in effect.
It's not the standard have to use create/new push modifier weight node but you can add it to a standard push modifier from what Richard said...I think it's a really cool function!
A materials preset would store the settings - the problem would be the modified maps, unless they included permission to redistribute.
Of course if you used FilterForge or some other texture generator, the maps wouldn't be a problem.
Thanks Richard and mjc1016...I didn't do an allover texture just a partial with transmaps. This has such possibilities plus I'm really enjoying messing around with it to see what I can do. I love the fact that you can weight map it and move it away from the body.
I used my own maps on the that shouldn't be an issue. Is there a way to save the node so it's easy to preload or would I need to do pdf explaining how to use the files? It's not finished yet but this is what I have so far.
The leaves and the transmap are applied to the node...the texture underneath is my diva texture that goes with my morph. It's not set up for Iray only 3delight at the moment but it didn't do too badly but still needs to be adjusted.
Ah, so it's a geoemtry shell -sorry, I didn't folow the video right through as I was running out of time. For a Geometry Shell use a Wearables preset.
Ahh...I don't think it is a geometry shell. He used the edit duplicate node function which gives you like a duplicate figure which you can then create/new push modifier weight node...sorry still trying to get a handle on this myself. Can you add the push modifier node to a geometry shell? Because if so I could use that instead. I just like the fact that with the weight map brush I can bring it away from the skin in chosen areas.
Yes, a Geometry Shell will have a Push Modifier applied at creation.
You will still need to edit the distance. only question that I still have is whether the function create/new push modifier weight node is the same as a standard push modifier? Which I think is what you get with a geometry shell...
No, the Push Modifier Weight Node adds a selectable node to the scene through which you can access a weight map to control the stregnth of the Push Modifier (the way you can control a DForm with a weight map, but that doesn't need a special node as you can already select the DForm directly).
OMG, this stuff sounds complex!
Essentially it lets you paint the push modifier effect on and off.
The whole thing! Reminds me of the scary Material Room in Poser.
No nodes of that type involved. Select a figure or prop with a push modifier, Create>New Push Modifier Weight Node, select the node, switch to the Node Weight paint brush Tool, in Tool Settings click Add Map next to the name of the modifier. There's a slider under the map's entry - by default this shows the offset from the Mesh Offset setting on the object but you can vary it. Using two push modifiers on the same item, each with its own map and with opposite signs, you can push some sections proud and dent others in. Here I took two spheres, added two modifiers (one positive, one negative) and very (very) crudely painted them with the mouse. It's almost a pseudo morph brush (though sadly we can't spawn a morph from a push modifier).
Ummm...not quite true.
We can export the 'pushed' item as an obj and use it in Morph Loader...
So while it's not a direct spawning of a morph, it is possible to create morphs this way. I imagine it could be useful for wrinkles and such.
Just painted the weights as Richard did above (went for a smaller brush with less falloff to get the spikes). The lefthand sphere is the one with the weighted push and the one on the right is the morphed one (at 70-some% and SubD).
Interesting, so I am right in thinking the push modifier that comes with the geometry shell is not able to be edited with weight mapping. So the next silly question is probably can I create one on a geometry shell? I think I'll need to play some more with this and see what I can do.
From what you've said I can save a geometry shell as a wearable and I'm assuming that it's possible ot distribute them?
mjc: Yes, I meant tat there's no in-DS way to spawn a morph as there is with a DForm.
Pendraia: you can add a Push Modifier Weight Node to the push modifier on a Geometry Shell (that's what i did above). You don't, as far as I know, have to save the node with the wearables preset - the maps belong to the push modifier, the node is just a way to gain access to them for editing; if you apply weight maps to a Push modifier and then delete the node the weights will remain in effect.
Thanks Richard...I will give that a try.
Huh, I didn't know push modifier could be painted like that... huuuuh. Thanks. ;)
It's not the standard have to use create/new push modifier weight node but you can add it to a standard push modifier from what Richard said...I think it's a really cool function!
The push modifier is the same - the weight node isn't a push modifier, it's a tool for getting access to the weight maps on the push modifier(s).
Thanks for clarifying Richard...