Changed from Mac to PC and do not know where to install what.

Well, I have my PC up and running.
I want the Daz Content / My Library on my D. Drive as I have so much more space and only the Studio program on my
Is that possible?
Right now I have installed the Studio 4.9 on to my but it has some content in it, the basics that came with it and I installed it via DIM.
Is it right there there are more than one Library folder for Studio or did I start seeing things after staring at this screen for hours now. pffff
Can I take this content out and also put it on the
And if I can do that, do I have to change the file path within the Studio preferences?
My head is exploding, I do not know anything anymore lol.
If you know what to do please, can you explain it to me as if you would explain it to a 3 year old?
I need your help :(
If I were you, I would backup everything and export your metadata , copy to the new drive, change the file path in content manager for Daz Studio and Connect, change the file path for DIM, open the program and make sure everthing is found, and if not your the content maintence tool.
One thing I advise, though it's too late for DS, is to officially move your documents and so on folders to your D: drive - open a file browser window (should be a folder icon on the task bar already to do that), in the left bar open Computer, then the C: drive, then Users, then your user name folder. In that folder right-click on the Documents folder, select properties and go to the Location tab; click the Move.... button and select a folder on D:, then agree to move your files.
Now you need to point DS to the moved location for the Documents folder - go to Edit>Preferences, then to its Content Library tab, and click the Content Directory Manager button. This will open a new dialogue - expand Current Directories, DAZ Studio Formats, highlight the path pointing to the C: drive Docuemnts folder and click the Edit button on the right to update it. Do the same for the DAZ Connect Data folder and the Poser Formats folder. Also add a new folder under both Poser Formats and DAZ Studio Formats for the older you wish DIM to install to, if you are using that.
To edit the folder DIM uses click the gear icon at top-right of the main window, go to the Installation tab, highlight the old path to My DAZ 3d Documents and then click the ... button next to it to update it to use the folder you set up above.
Hi Guys, thank you for the advice, I have downloaded a tool which allows me to bring all my mac files * the entire DS My Library to my PC, I directed all the files to the new place on the D.Drive and withing studio I just added this runtime as new content folder * I think that is what is called , and all works very well, so far.
Just moving all my Poser Runtimes and Photoshop files over.
Thank you so much.