Unable to find product in Smart Content or Content Library

Recently purchased FWSA Dayanara HD but try as I might I cannot find this character in Smart Content or Content Library therefore I cannot install it.
Can someone please help????
What have I done wrong????
By the way I am using Smart Connect.
Frustrated at waiting for the FWSA Dayanara product to appear in Smart Content/Content Library and not sure about installing Smart Connect manually so just installed it via DIM now I have "Duplicate formulas found in files."
Smart Content is the database based content categorization/tracking that resides on your computer.
Connect is the 'other' installation option.
DIM installed products are also Smart Content products.
Thank you for your response: I have been using "Connect" since it was introduced and I was using a new PC but in this instance I cannot find FWSA Dayanara in my Smart Content in order to install via Connect.Hope this makes sense?
You don't have any filtering turned on?
And have you bought anything else, lately? If so, did that all show up?
Have you looked at the log file to see if there was/is a problem with it?
Try checking in the catagory called "Lost and Found"--I've got a few items from FWSA that ended up there.
In fact, I've got over 3000 items of the 6000 things I've bought that ended up in "Lost and Found". I'm looking for a way to get them resorted into some of those catagories they're supposed to be in