[Solved] Weight maps & M4 shirts

When I make shirts for an M4 figure and use the transfer utitlity the shirt looks fine when the figure is in a Tpose but when I lower the arms the shirt's shoulders and upper sleeves baloon up. I try to deflate the balooning with the weight map smooth brush but it doesn't seem to have any affect. Is this simply a common occurrence with the M4 figure and the transfer utility? I suppose I could try to rig the shirt myself without the utility and see what happens but I just thought I'd ask. I never have this problem with trousers or shoes that I make for M4 it just seems to be with the shoulders of shirts and jackets. ...vests turn out just fine of course.
Post edited by Sky Hndx on
M4 is not weightmapped, he uses parametric rigging. It might be part of the problem...
I select the M4 character I make (zeroed into a TPose), go to Edit/Rigging/Convert Figure to Weight Mapping and select convert to TriAx Weight Mapping. Then I export whatever nodes I need as .obj's to build the clothing around in Hexagon. When finished I export them out of Hex as .obj's. Then I import them into DAZ and use the trasfer utility to covert them into conforming clothing. The bones trasfer to the clothes and move with the figure. It works fine except for the ballooning of the shoulders and upper sleeves of the shirts. I'm guessing there's just something about the shoulders that remain a bit off even though converted to TriAx.
Converting to weight mapping alone isn't going to do anything to improve the figure, and may introduce problems. All you are doing is baking the weights from the legacy rigging parameters to weights on the weight maps.
I wasn't trying to improve the figure. That's just a process I learned from these forums on how to create conforming clothing for an M4 figure. If creates problems then it shouldn't have been posted here to begin with.
The standard method for creating clothing for legacy figures is to import them into the Figure Set up pane, from the option menu, then import the new geometry, use it to replace the base figure geometry, delete unwanted bones, rename, check Modify selected and click the Update button. Then tweak the falloff nagles/spheres as needed.
Alright, I figured it out. It was very simple actually. Which of course is why it flew miles over my head. Use the paint brush not the smooth brush.