Content lost after migrating old database

I finally managed to migrate my old content database - from Wind7 to Win9 and DS4.9 Pro. All the folders are ok in the categories, but there's one major problem: There are no files, just empty folders.
My content is located on C and G drive (my old Win7 system drive). What should I do?
Go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, expand the "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" sections, and make sure the content locations match what you're currently using, then Content DB Maintenance > Re-Import Metadata
I already did this and it has no effect, the folders are still all empty. Content locations are correct.
And of course it's Win10, not 9.
If you have custom categories/tags/etc., have you exported user data?
Assuming you have if that's the case, try resetting the database. Once that's done, try reimporting metadata again.
No, I haven't exported. Previously when I migrated the data from DS 3 to DS 4 it worked just by migrating the old content data.
So which order should I go now? Should I export the data from my old win7 version? Where?
I'm actually planning to move all the content on the C drive (it's SSD). Only I have about 32 GB of content and I know there's lots of old stuff (like Victoria 3 related) I never use anymore. Is there a way to copy content that's created after a certain date or something like that? And after copying, will the migrating work when all is moved from G to C? I really appreciate your advice! :)
If you export from 4.8 the exported data will be in Runtime/Support of the first DS-format content folder. The file(s) will be named UserData_1.dsx (and _2 etc. if needed). When you reimport it will look for the files in your mapped content folders, so if the drive letter is different, as long as the content mappings in DS use the new location, it will record the new location when reimporting the data. It will skip any entries for file that don't exist, so if the old Victoria 3 stuff isn't there anymore it won't add them to the database.
Thanks, but this really doesn't seem to work. I have updated my CPU and motherboard and Win7 won't start anymore. I managed to launch 4.8 from Win10 and it shows my old categories, but all the links are pointing to C:/program files/daz3d/dazstudio3/content... and no matter what I do, I can't change that to the C:public documents folder or G:program files. I did export the database and then started 4.9. It automatically migrated the data and it shows it in categories.. but they are empty pointers with no file path at all.
Is there a particular way of importing the exported data other than migrating?
Make sure the paths are correct in Content Directory Manager before re-importing, if it can't find the files it won't create icons. Can you add the new paths and then remove the incorrect one?
Was C:/program files/daz3d/dazstudio3/content a content diectory on the old system? If not then the database won't have been able to export using relative paths. Using the application folder would hae been problematic under Windows 7 so I'm surprised you weren't having problems there too.
Yes, that's where the content was installed in Win7, there was no problem with that. In CDM I have both the C:/users/public and G:/program files locations specified, not C:/program files as there's nothing there.
The userdata file seems to be in a format that can be edited in wordpad.. Wouldn't it make sense just to find and replace all the locations there?
Is the runtime/support/UserData_1.dsx the file that holds the user data which Dazstudio loads when it's launched? I changed the folder locations in that file but that doesn't seem to help either. Or should I save the file somewhere else?
The UserData only has relative locations. When you re-import, DS looks through the mapped folders until it finds the item, then uses that location.
Thanks for your advice, but nothing works and DS doesn't seem to handle this as it should. I've started to rebuild my catgegories as that seems to be the only option.
Except there also seems to be a bug now with the categories..I manage to create a category for V4 clothing, but I can't move the clothing mats folders under the folder of the clothing itself (like I did previously). When I try to drop the mats folder, it just doesn't move, neither by trying the "move category" function. What's going on here??
Sorry, I sorted that. It was if the mats folder had the same name.. previously that didn't matter.