Sphere As A Background Goes Black

I've been trying for the last two make a sphere, and to put a pic as surface and put my scene into it. So I can pan around and take difeerent shots of my scene with a changing background. So far I made a default sphere, inverted the scale -100, reposition the sphere, put a 6000 x 3000 non spherical image, (I tried to use some spherical image that I made myself in photoshop, but i couldn't not see much of a difference) on top as surface, put my scene inside, make the sphere bigger, like -1000 scale. Then I tried to illuminate my scene more, with distant lights from the inside or the outside, but everything goes black when I am rendering. The only slider the seems to make thing better is the opacity one, even at only 90%. The problem is that as you turned opacity down, the image used as surface loose resolution. I mean, it make sense, but I was wondering if there is any way to make this work. If I don't try to put any more light i can stil render, but I would like my scene to be more illuminated. Thanks.


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496

    I'm guessing you are using Iray render engine? If so, the problem is that the light can't "see" through the sphere. There is a method to make this work described here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/63014/yet-another-iray-skydome-technique

    If you are using the 3Delight render engine then the answer is to select the surface of the sphere and set Cast Shadows "Off" - this ONLY works in 3Delight though.


  • lucartllucartl Posts: 52

    Thanks MelanieL I'm going to try that. Yes, in Iray, sorry. I always forget to say that. If I fail I may try to send a messages to timmins.williams. Let's see. :-) The problem is that those instrutions are a little bit vague, for me, I mean. Do you know any of these products? http://www.daz3d.com/movie-maker-maestro-create-for-fun-or-cash  Apprently with this one you can cretae your own 360° degress background and use it in another product called, Movie Maker.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496

    No, I don't tend to buy those tutorial video things - I've heard some people swear by Dreamlight stuff and others not being so keen, which is why I would suggest you try one of the free ones first to see if you get on with their style - go to http://www.daz3d.com/dreamlight then sort by price low-high and there are about ten of them. Also, if you're not in a rush, Dreamlight products used to turn up in flash sales quite often (not sure though when I last saw one) with big savings on price.

    By the way, I'm sorry but I only drop into the forums once a day (maybe twice) for an hour or so, so I didn't notice your last post till now.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496

    By the way, I found this in the forum - you may want to read it: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/73490/movie-maker-and-iray - it sounds like it's meant to work with 3Delight so you'd have the same problem as with your own images if you want to use the Iray render engine.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496

    Back to your original question and I came up with this too: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/825330/#Comment_825330

    It's a vendor here explaining how to use some of his 3Delight products (which use a cube rather than a sphere as a background) with Iray. It's quite well laid out so you might find it easier to follow than the other link I gave. His skybox (being a cube) has 6 sides, so where he's talking about setting north, east, west, etc you will only have a single surface in your sphere to apply those settings to. This method though won't work with Iray sun/sky or HDRI lighting like the Timmins.wiliam method, so you will probably have to add more lights inside the sphere to light up the rest of your scene sufficiently - use spotlights, point lights or mesh lights, not distant lights because distant lights come from "an infinite distance" outisde the sphere so won't do anything.

  • lucartllucartl Posts: 52

    Thanks. And sorry I did not reply to you straight away. I was busy on other stuff. There is a way to get a message when somebody reply to you? I couldn't find any. I'going trough all the suggestions you kindly gave me. I did try that package but it was not what I was looking for, so I had a refund. I have kind of put on a side the idea to jse a sphere as a background. At the moment I find that I can obtain a nice background creating a simple plane and apply a pic to it. Then I can move it, scale and rotate the way I want before I render the scene. Well it is not what I was trying to achieve, but it does actually give me better results and resolution. Will see. Thanks again. ☺

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If you edit your profile and go to the Preferences you want to tick the box to get an email when people reply to your discussions:

    1360 x 532 - 37K
  • lucartllucartl Posts: 52

    Thank You☺

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