Confused by daz connect

So when I look in smart content I see my products but most show the following so I am confused because I installed them all in DIM.

Daz Connect : 

Metadata : Yes

Installed : No

Install Available : Yes


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    It means they have not been installed via Connect, not that they haven't been installed at all.

  • So does selecting them and picking install really do anything?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    It will install the Daz Connect version, but it won't uninstall the DIM-installed version.

  • Ok, I guess I still don't get it.  Is there any reason to "install" the connect version especially for a couple thousand products?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    If you have them already installed...probably not.

    If you are setting up a clean install/new products, then yeah, it's going to be useful.  One of the nice features of Connect is the ability to update metadata or parts of a package without having to redownload the entire thing. 

  • VhardamisVhardamis Posts: 576

    If you install both ways you'll end up with duplicated entries in your smart content pane for the items you install, which is a pain. Connect is simply a different installtion option setting up for the intended furture move to connect only content. Just pick one or the other to use unless a product does not have your main method for installtion as an option. Example: Plug ins can only be installed via DIM and products listed as connect only can only be installed that way. For the most part you can just go with one and be fine.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    I'm trying to assist a new user to Carrara,. I advised the use of DIM,. (which is also what I've been using to install content)

    However,. his messed up results made me look at my own hard drive,. and I've realised that Daz3D is creating some new folders on my main C:\ Drive,. which apparently are filled with all of my content. (DUPLICATED) since it's primarily installed to "Users \ Public documents.."

    Now i have C:\ Daz Content,.. and C:\ Daz Downloads.

    In public documents I have the same "Downloaded files" (DIM) and "Installed content files" (My Daz3D Library)

    So,. I have folders that i wasn't aware of,. which are filled with content,. which i was unaware had been installed to two locations on my drive,.

    Surely this is NOT right.? .. why would I require the same files in two locations on the same system ?

    NOTE: I've never used Daz "Connect" and do not intend to,.  I'd rather remove the Daz Studio application,.

    Daz3D Studio,. is not my main application, and not a big loss to remove it completely.

    My question is,. Why are content files being installed into my "Public documents \ Daz3d Libary",.  AND to this new folder on my C: drive,.

    What's the purpose of this NEW C:\ Daz

    Q2: Is there any way to prevent DIM installing files to both of these folders

    just to check before i uninstall everything,.

    I'd also like to ask for help and guidance in assisting the new Carrara user install their content,. in the carrara discusion forum.

    Using DIM to install has resulted in a complete mess of multiple runtime folders with numeric names or "Daz_Content Runtimes" .

    Thanks in advance

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    The Downloads folder, which should in in DAZ 3D\Install manager, is the downloaded zips - by default theya re kept so you don't have to redownload, but if you go to the Ready to Install tab of DIM you can choose to deleet the zip after installation via a check-box at the bottom. You can also select existing items and right-click to get a delete command.

    My DAZ 3D Library is the default location for DIM installs - you can change it by clicking the gear icon at the top-right to open Preferences and in the Installation tab clicking the + button to add a new folder. Make sure DS also knows to use the folder as a content directory.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    HI Richard :)

    that's pretty much what I knew, but thanks for clarifying.

    My problem is that there are also duplicates of the same fies being added to C:\ daz content, and C:\ daz downloads,.,  (not according to DIM)

    I've been using DIM to intall products since it was released,. (into the default "Public Documents\ My Daz3D Library) but until yesteday I hadn't noticed these two new folders on the root of the drive,.

    Any ideas on what's creating those two folders,.

    also,. can someone help in this thread..

    thanks :)

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    So these folders are in the root of the C: drive? I'm not seeing that, I've no idea what could cause it.

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