Files missing when loading a saved scene

I've got a new problem. I'm running DS5.9 Pro from the C; drive but I have most of my content on another drive (because I've installed Win10 on a new drive).
When I save a scene with content from the other drive (G) and then load the scene, I get a message about missing files that are supposed to be in folder /data/auto-adapted/
There's no way to fix this, so the saved scene is lost. The missing objects are only shown as boxes. Kind of frustrating.
I have set the content paths in content directory manager to content folders both on C and G and all the content is accessible ...although hard to find as the search doesn't work properly and I can't even create categories since the categories folder is gone (from the previous version of DS). Is there a way to restore the categories?
Which content location is listed FIRST and are they both listed in Studio and Poser formats?
I checket this and noticed that with daz format the order was different than with poser format. I corrected this and after that the last saved file opened correctly (big cat with garibaldi hair).
However, previously saved files still don't work. They have Genesis 2 female with clotghing and hair and only Genesis 2 figure (located in C) is loaded.
Could this have something to do with the daz connect data location?
Additional info: Files that have only content located in the G drive or only C work perfectly.
I tried removing the Genesis 2 figure and leaving the other stuff (although it was shown as boxes without geometry), then saving the file and reopening. What I get is a list of the objects in the scene tab but no geometry, not even boxes.
Also I took a scene that worked and added Genesis 2 in it and saved. It loads correctly, perhaps because I've fixed the order of content locations. However, I would stil like to restore the scrambled scenes if possible.