Daz3dIM.exe detected as ransomware by malwarebytes

I have the malwarebytes anti ransomware detector (v0.9.15.416) running in the background on my windows 7 PC. When I tried to install Daz Studio 4.9, the detector flagged daz3dim.exe and put it into quarantine. Now I've heard lots of terrible things about how daz3d -- the company -- is treating its customers by tying its programs to some sort of on line monitoring and content control. But ransomware?! Are they doing things with this program that could enable them to encypt my files and hold them hostage? Perhaps the level of control they want is way too much. What gives? Anybody else have trouble with installing the daz3dim? Is it OK? Should I exclude it from the malwarebytes scans.
False positive, this is as untrue as the other terrible things you've heard rumors about. DIM has no capability to encrypt, doesn'tmonitor or control anything on your computer, and doesn't call home except when you ask it to see what files are available for you to download.
I'm not a fan of tthe malware bytes active tools. I've run the batch scan for years and only had several suspect cookies crop up. I put the active crud on my system, and it immediately quarantined the jpeg2000.dll from Paintshop Pro version 7 - a file the batch scanner had ignored for years. In addition, most of the rest of PS was just gone.
I don't let it actively scan downloads and I've whitelisted all of my executables I've installed. Personal opiniom - ANY av that generates a false positive on any commercially available software is an av that should not have been released, has not been properly tested -- and can never be trusted.
So no, DIM is not ransomeware and it won't encrypt anything - now the store on the other hand, can lead to financial ruin. :-)
Norton scan of the daz3dim.exe found no threats for me and I have it installed and working fine. Are we held hostage by DAZ?? .... under their control??...and paying them almost daily??.... no ....I...I'm sure I could live without DAZ... err... let me get back to you .... I just got a flash sale alert.
Fixmypcmike, namffuak, and mrposer: Thank you very much for your quick replies!!! I'll whitelist the program.