Anyone else's "Smart Content" lost its mind in D|S 4.9?

Ok this is driving me a bit batty. I'm running the connect version of 4.9 with a clean DB populated ONLY with products downloaded via connect and I swear to gawd my smart content has lost its mind, epecially on searches. I can search anywhere from a specific product name to a more generic term and i'm getting everything BUT what i'm putting in the search paramter window.
Example: I search> smart content> Victoria 4 elite
And I get back 436 entries and not a single one has ANYthing to do with V4. Um Wha?
I cant even find anything Vicky 4 elite searchnig under the regular contant tab either. You wanted Vicky? Here have Brock and 11,000 orther entries instead cause... reasons.
I can't figure it out. Metadata has be reimported half a dozen times, yes everything is pointing to the correct folders. I can see said products in the folders if I browse to them, etc. Why do you hate me search function?? It's gone from being occassionally frustrating to downright no longer working.

Search for "victoria 4 elite" or victoria 4 elite" instead.
Thanks for the tip. That helped a bit. I did get the 4.2 stuff that time but i'm still getting male chacters for M6 and vicky 2 - 7 as well.
My Smart content tab is showing 7162 products installed. My search for "victoria 4 elite" turned up 4 products. Three of those had the words Victoria 4 and Elite in the product name. The fourth one was Enamore Mage for Genesis. I opened that product, selected one of the files and looked at the file's "Tags", which was a real eye opener.
Not surprised its just me. Time to clear the cache again.
That's one of my criticisms of this whole Smart Content thing. It's just too much work trying to navigate in something that doesn't work.
As I said in response to your other post, the CMS does broadly work. Daz is working through the products where the metadata is bad. If you aren't manually organising your content - which would rather contradict the idea that content organisation is too much work - then the CMS does offer a good way to catalogue and access content. And of course you can easily add your own categories if you do want to organise your files under a different scheme or add further divisions to the basic categories, without the risk of breaking updates or causing future conflicts carried by moving the actual files around.