Using terrain as a negative?


I'm trying to use a terrain as a negative object to cut it out of box.  I have grouped the two together, marked one positive and one negative, but for some reason, the terrain will not be cut out.  I tried a couple of primitives and they cut out with no problem.  However, i can't get the same to work with a terrain object.  Is this a known issue or am i simply doing something wrong?  Any help appreciated!





  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited April 2016

    You need to go into the Terrain Editor (select the terrain object and click the little E button).

    Down the side of the main painting window there is little triangle pointy thingy (real technical term that is).

    Click on that a drop down menu appears, make sure you've got solid ticked (marked below in red).

    Then click the tick button bottom right to exit the terrain editor and it'll work fine.


    Hope this helps


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