DIM reset?

I've migrated all my content from a Mac to a new PC. I did so by doing a file sync so the content libraries are direct copies of the Mac files. Having pointed DAZ Studio to the new libraries, it now sees all my content but DIM does not know that I have migrated everything. Is there a way to tell DIM that I don't need to install 1500+ products?

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Yes, but it can be a little trickier. Also: I'm only famliar with this issue on Windows and I don't know how to sort it out on Mac, maybe others can help out there.
When DIM downloads a package to install it also sets a so called semaphore file. This is a small file which basically reminds DIM that a certain package has already been installed. On Windows you can find these in the c:\Users\Public\Documents\Daz 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles. On a Mac.. I have no idea.
My suggestion would be to search your home directory for that ManifestFiles folder and then make sure to copy that to your new computer as well.
Hope this helps!
When DIM installs an item it creates a file in the ManifestFiles folder for the item, which is how it knows the item is installed. ManifestFiles will be a sibling of the default Downloads folder -- the path is something like Users/Shared/DAZ 3D/DAZ Install Manager/ManifestFiles.
One complication is that the install path will be different, which DIM needs to uninstall or update an item. Each of the .dsx files in the ManifestFiles folder will have a line that reads something like:
<UserInstallPath VALUE="Users/Shared/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library"/>
You'll want to use a text editor that can handle multiple files to change that line in all the .dsx files from the Mac path to the Windows path. Use forward-slash as the separator.
Ok thanks - I also sync'ed my DIM install and Manifest foldes so I'll find a utility that can edit muliple text files.
Only problem is that DIM insists on using the Users\Public folders which are on my small SSD drive and I don't have space to copy them all across. This seems like it could be a serious problem going forward.
Set DIM to use a different folder.
You can set up a different folder on your secondary drive and use it
The ManifestFiles shouldn't require that much space -- the Downloads folder will be the big one.
The settings for DIM on Windows are in an .ini file in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\UserAccounts
There's a line for changing the ManifestFiles:
Ahh - yes, I've just realised the Manifests folder is small so I should be ok just moving the Downloads using DIM.
Thanks again
EDIT - Yep - that seems to have worked. My DIM looks like it recognised my installed content now. :)