The art of modelling hair

Is there a good tutorial on the art of modelling hair. More of a technique oriented tutorial on creating hair that looks like hair.
I've been doing some experimentation but have not been very happy with the results and I'm finding I'm having a difficult time translating my 2D hair stylings into 3D models. Are there any basic frameworks you work from when building a 3D hairstyle or ways I should be thinking about dissecting the elements of a hair style in order to extrapolate my designs into three dimensions?
Oh God, now you've started something. I have a good tutorial somewhere and I can't for the life of me remeber where it is or where I got it, but I think it's one I got online so I'll have a look and see what I can find.
Ok, found it, it's a really good method too. I don't know what modelling software you use, so I went for one that I know is done in Hexagon because Hexagon is currently free.
Hope that helps,
Woohoo!!! Thanks a tonne! Just what I'm looking for.