Can't import collada .dae files into Daz 4.5

Hello, i'm having an issue with the new versión 4.5. i can't import collada .dae files into Daz, that didn't happened on previous versions.
I tried with several files, models exported to collada from Google sketchup 8, and sometimes daz imported parcial elements (planes, or a cilinder) but never the whole model, and sometimes it didn't load anything at all. I doublechecked the export options on ketchup, selected all objects, but nothing works.
Can someone help and tell me what might be wrong or how can i import these .dae models?
Thanks for any help
I know this reply is kind of late, but I'm still looking into this myself.
I've had the problem back with Daz 4 as well. When I got a hold of their support team, I was told that COLLADA (.dae) files are a rough standard. Not sure how much I believe that or if I mis-understood support.
Google / Trimble / whoever currently owns Sketchup says that it uses the COLLADA 1.4 specifications and schema (as of 10/16/2012 at least). I couldn't find a similar specification on DAZ. The closest I've come is to notice that Daz never puts just "COLLADA" files, it's always "DAZ COLLADA", which makes me think they might be the ones breaking the format. Don't know since I don't have any other 3D editor to try exporting with.
Hopefully someone comes along and fixes this, since COLLADA is really the only way to transition between the two (without having Sketchup Pro).
you can use obj files .
edit to add - Bryce can import some Sketchup files - just don't try to send them to DS .
OK, so any recommendations on how to get Sketchup files into OBJ form? I tried downloading a Sketchup Plugin to do that, but the it was laced with a funmood virus...
Have a word with the petrolheads in the Car and Bike lovers thread. They often work with sketchup files.
look at the plugins at the Sketchup site - they should be virus free ( at least they are for me ) the main site
got me to this
I have an old rb plugin for sketchup 6 I use myself
or use Blender to convert the .dae
thanks wendy ;-)
That was a big help, thanks! With a bit of digging I found a Ruby Script for doing the job (OBJ Exporter). It's part of the Ruby Library Depot, and that's linked to from
This could give me the kick start I need to actually get some things done in Daz! Wahoo!