Daz connect products disapear from product library

Hello, I have some strange things happening with the offline content.
I have installed the whole content of my lib (around 1400 files), and all the DAZ Connect products. These are instaleld in the default path in c:\ (in windows 8.1) DAZ works perfectly fine.
Some time when I launch DAZ, I have the files in "Products" from the DAZ Connect are no longer installed and I have to reinstall them oftenly. I don't know/understand why they disapear. I need to reinstall them.
In my drive organisation C drive has the program and connect library, while the ZIP download folder and lib are in a D drive (with plenty of place).
Note that I use DAZ in 2 computers, a desktop and a laptop with the same account (I do not use them in the same time). I have no problem in the laptop, files sty in place, this happen only in the desktop (according to the DAZ rules).
PC, Win 8.1/64 bits 16gb, Geforce 970/4gb C: SSD512, D: HDD 1To. All works perfectly fine in all other applications.
Any clue, ideas on what is happening ?
Is this using DS
Yes, the one installed by the manager, the
OK, that's odd. Presumably the CMS is running or you wouldn't see anythign at all, so I'm not sure what can be happening. You may need to open a support ticket if mo other suggestions can be offered.
Thanks for your answer, I will do
I had problems like this after an earlier beta release corrupted my database. After that, even the actual release didn't work right, because the database was bad. I eventually gave up and reset the database and reinstalled everything. Since then, I haven't had this problem.