Help with Daz Studio Installation and Content - from a Poser user

I was wondering if someone cold help me with a problem I am having with DazStudio 4.9. I have installed the program and during the installation process I was asked to indicate the default directory where Daz content would be installed. I indicated it would be on an external drive. When I opened DazStudio and the Content panel it saw the content that I had installed but when I tried to load the content I got a message saying that the material files could not be found and it gave me no option to manually locate them. Why is this happening? All of the files for the product (which were purchased at another site and are Daz Studio only)have been manually installed into the content library as instructed. I have checked my preferences and DazStudio is supposed to be going to the proper directory for the content. Any ideas what I can do to get things to work?
Thanks for any replies.
Make sure there isn't an extra folder between your content location and the Runtime folder -- for example, if your content folder is called "My Library" it should be "My Library/Runtime" and not "My Library/Content/Runtime".
WHat's the exact version of 4.9? There was a bug in one of the 4.9 releases that didn't let you manually locate missing textures, but that was fixed. The current version is
It is version and there are no extra layers between Runtime and My Library. For some reason it says "Some assets needed to load the file were missing. The content my not work as expected." It then goes on to list a bunch of files in a Runtime textures folder that are in fact in that Runtime texture folder. The only thing that it doesn't say is where it is looking for that Runtime texture folder (e.g. on C drive or on the external drive). It should be looking on the external drive.
It should check eact content directory and append the Runtime\...section to that until it fidns the fiel or runs out of directories, which is pretty much how Poser handles it.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be doing that.
Can you go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, expand the Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats sections, and post a screenshot?
What is the full path to the textures?