Fountain Pen and Pencil Effects

Here you can see a kind of Fountain Pen and Pencil effects I can do... without any extra shaders or tools ! I simply use included elements in Daz Studio.

No postwork ! I render and I insert in my Game Creator software where I can add a transparent effect for example (screenhsot 2 !) :



  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,709

    The "Game Creator" software is postwork, it would seem.

  • 6r6r Posts: 463
    edited April 2016

    Ha ! Ha !

    I mean the sprites rendering. They are exactly rendered as you can see them here. Only for the transparency it's postwork.

    Then I want to use my sprites somewhere : game, book,...




    Post edited by 6r on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943



  • LotharenLotharen Posts: 282


    Yes, please explain how you did this! I'm attempting to use Studio for making a comic and this would be amazing for that kind of thing.

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,424
    Kerya said:



    It would be nice to know, but I don'r remember 6r actually sharing any step-by-step methods in any of his other threads. His results are always beautiful, just not shared (he "has projects" with them, I believe). sad

    -- Walt Sterdan

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    look at his avatar !

  • 6r6r Posts: 463
    edited April 2016

    Yes, look at my avatar !!!  devil

    More seriously ! I didn't want to waste time for that but don't forget : When I have started to share some things but not all, some people have injuried me here (a moderator should delete the irrespectuous posts !) and private. So, I have decided to definitely stop sharing. Not all visitors here add constructive comments or have positive behaviours. How could I be motivated for sharing ??? 

    I'm working hard on Daz Studio to find different renders and I just want to show how great Daz Studio can be here...

    People may ask for sharing but I may accept or not.

    Sorry for respectful visitors !


    Post edited by 6r on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Sad ...

  • 6r6r Posts: 463



  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867
    edited April 2016

    No instructions? Noooooooo!

    But seriously, the trick is actually quite easy if you follow the hints that 6r left in his previous thread. To wit:

    - Use an uberenvironment light (ergo, a 3delight render).

    - The dirt (or ink, in this case) shows up with only one dial (remember: going over 100% is, against all sensible logic, possible).

    - Displacement maps are useful for this effect, but if you want certain results, you are better off taking out any diffuse maps and using solid colors.

    Now, with these hints, it should be easy (as in "why didn't I think of this before?") to recreate 6r's results. Actually, I am quite grateful to him for not disclosing a step by step, it was fun to figure this out with a few test renders. Like this one:

    Yeah, couldn't resist.

    Now, if we could get some hints to recreate the "Pixar effect" or the "2d Renders with outline", I'd be a very happy digital sleuth. Imagine some weapon's grade puppy eyes pointed your way, 6r, imagine them.

    Post edited by Uthgard on
  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,713
    edited April 2016
    6r said:

    a moderator should delete the irrespectuous posts !

    Please report with explanation, what you think we should look at.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Thank you for the link to the other thread and the hints!

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    seeing this animated would be fun

    how about a short loop 6R ?


    btw i like this kind of threads

  • 6r6r Posts: 463
    edited April 2016

    @Cris : Sorry for my bad english : I wanted to say A moderator had to delete some comments and it has been done by a good moderator who couldn't accept bad comments or behaviours ! 

    So, you all can see I didn't lie with "I started to share........" !  wink

    @Ruphuss : Much better ! I just have made a small flash game with several animations for the Freak using this Ink effect you can download here : A "Find the Pairs" game with animations instead of cards ! ->


    (Screenshot of this game :)

    Post edited by 6r on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    6r said:


    So, you see I didn't lie with "I started to share........" !  wink

    I didn't think you lied! It is just not always easy to find information in these forums ...


  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    funny game

    if you sell this where people could just put in animations of their own ?

    you would get my money for this

  • 6r6r Posts: 463

    @Kerya : I know... Don't worry !

    @Ruphuss : Thanks a lot !

    No, this version is locked. (I have another Windows version where users can insert their own pictures but not animations. I will see if I can use external .gif files for example !?!)

    I could make it (for free !) for you with your graphics and animations if you want (Windows, Flash or Android version)...


    I'm trying to improve the parameters for the Ink effect to be able to use it on a lot of 3D models. (We can't do all we want !)



  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    *giggles about the last picture*

    Poor little car!

  • 6r6r Posts: 463

    Here is a use in Comic Life 3 with a little bit transparency to make the paper's strokes appear under the "Ink" :

  • 6r6r Posts: 463

    Transformed with some Styles in Comic Life :


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    I sure like to look at your work!

  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,709

    Impressive, I must say!

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    6r said:

    @Cris : Sorry for my bad english : I wanted to say A moderator had to delete some comments and it has been done by a good moderator who couldn't accept bad comments or behaviours ! 

    So, you all can see I didn't lie with "I started to share........" !  wink

    @Ruphuss : Much better ! I just have made a small flash game with several animations for the Freak using this Ink effect you can download here : A "Find the Pairs" game with animations instead of cards ! ->


    (Screenshot of this game :)

    Those are looking great, 6r!

    - Greg

  • seeker273seeker273 Posts: 449

    These are so cool!!!! Perhaps you could sell a tutorial and some basic setups at the store. I'd buy that in a second.

    Really great work, love it <3 <3 <3

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