Problem with DAZS 4.5's Apply Smoothing Modifier

Hello DAZ,
I have been using the new DAZ4.5.0.49 for a while now. But, recently, when I apply the apply smoothing modifier to something such as clothing, and render the scene, its works fine until the 50% mark, then, DAZS freezes and causes my comp to do so as well. I use Win 7 64-bit/DAZS 64-bit and can't figure out why this is happening now when I use this plug-in to render scenes.
Can anyone offer some insight as to why apply smoothing modifier is causing my computer/DAZS to freeze when its applied?
Thanks, any help is appreciated!
Is this all clothing or just one piece? Does it depend on the figure's pose?
Hello Richard,
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. Well, from what I've noticed it happens when I apply it to clothing or the bare V4 figure itself. I thought it was the clothing/pose I was using (jeans, tank top and jacket) but I tested them all on the V4 figure one by one and rendered, and all worked fine. It wasn't until I applied the smoothing modifer to fix the holes seeping through the clothing, that DAZS stalled 50% in and caused my comp to freeze. Its really weird its doing this all of a sudden, ASM worked well up until a week ago. Any clue why this ight be happening all of a sudden?
Did you try changing the pose? I'm just wondering if there's an awkward meeting of bits that's throwing the SubD render-time calculations off.
Hey Richard,
I tried a different pose this time to the same clothes figure, after using the apply smoothing modifer, and rendered the scene. It gets to 55% then all of a sudden, everything stalls and the activity light on my computer goes haywire. This is really strange as this never happened before when using ASM. (without it, all renders work fine)
This really has me stumped, to be honest, any suggestions on how I might be able to fix this?
But it is just these clothes? Does it work OK with the saem pose but other clothes? If so, which clothes are they?
Hey Richard,
I tried a new set of clothes with that same pose, and applied the smoothing, and it worked well. Hmm, it might have been the clothes I was using. Maybe because they are older, they dont work well with the smoothing. The clothes items I used during the crash are:
Hongyu's Cowgirl 2 & 3 Outfits
Fashionable TXs (HCG 2)
Charmed TXs (HGC 3)
That almost sounds like there's mesh problems with the items...
Try importing the plain obj for the item in question, by itself, with no textures over a base figure and see how it renders. Then apply a smoothing modifier to it and render again. If it crashes like that, then it's likely to be a problem with the mesh.
I just did a quick test with CowGirl 2, which is the only one I have, and it didn't throw a problem with smoothing applied.
I don't have any of I can't test them.