Things you may not know about Genesis and DAZ Studio 4



  • hey guys please can any one tell me Genesis 2 and Genesis3 and 4 are Separate model base or all work on Genesis 2

    i really dont get the difference

    i have downloaded daz with gen 2 how can i make it gen 4 female and male

    please help me

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited October 2018

    There is Genesis   Genesis 2 M&F   Genesis 3 M&F   then  come Genesis 8 M&F.   there are no Genesis 4,5,6 or 7.

    You need to download and install the Genesis Starter Essentials for each.

    Generation 4 is an older technolgy and is stand alone, doesn't have any connection with Genesis

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Mas, onde realmente está o produto "Cristina Genitalia" se eu jamais encontrei isso naquele item? 

  • fdcfdc Posts: 18

    Hey ladies and gents. Is there a way to converts Genesis 3 clothing to fit Genesis 8?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,480
    fdc said:

    Hey ladies and gents. Is there a way to converts Genesis 3 clothing to fit Genesis 8?

    Yes - the AutoFit dialogue should support this with just the Starter Essentails installed. Fit the clothing to Genesis 8, pick the Genesis 3 figure as the one it was made for, optionally pick a template, and click Accept.

  • I've bought a couple of clothing items for the Genesis 3 female, downloaded and installed them. Then I loaded the Gen3 figure, put the cloths on her, posed her and tried to render. Now the clothing looks nice, but the Gen 3 figure is transparent.

    Man, DAZ Studio drives me mad.

    I'm using Pro 64-bit for Mac on a Mac Pro 2,7 GHz 12-Core Intel Xeon E5

  • Hi guys, I bought some beards and body hair for Genesis (generic name), but I cannot find them on Genesis 2, 3, 8.

    If they are ment for Genesis 1, wo is this Genesis 1? I still can't find the things I downloaded.... any idea?

  • Hi!

    I´m feeling idiot for asking this... but how can we blink the eyes in V6 G2. Where are the controls for that?  I already seached in my Poser and Daz3d 4.11 and can´t find it. Lots of morphs and expressions but no eye "open" or "close". Sorry for asking such a basic question.


  • FlexFlex Posts: 0

    hi just need a little help, i need to turn off shadows on my models, in short i dont want them casting any shadows, there used to be a function in an older version of daz but i dont seem to be able to find it in 4.11, any help would be much appreciated, thank you

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Studio defaults to the new Iray renderer, you will need to switch to the old 3Delight renderer.

  • I'm still very new to DAZ studio and know nothing. So far videos have not helped much since what I view in video doesn't look like what I have in my DAZ probably due to video being an older version.  ANYWAY... I was wanting to know if after creating something in DAZ, is it possible to save the image as a 2 dimensional transparent png?  I don't want any background around a person or item.  I hope this makes sense.

  • I'm still very new to DAZ studio and know nothing. So far videos have not helped much since what I view in video doesn't look like what I have in my DAZ probably due to video being an older version.  ANYWAY... I was wanting to know if after creating something in DAZ, is it possible to save the image as a 2 dimensional transparent png?  I don't want any background around a person or item.  I hope this makes sense.

    If one is being pedantic, one would note that "daz" is a company. The program is "Studio" or "DS" . If you save as a png, any empty background should be transparent. If you're using iray for your render engine, Studio defaults to rendering the HDRI as a background. On the "render settings" tab, under "environment" turn off Draw Dome and Draw Ground.
  • Vick_Vega said:

    Can someone tell me where to get facial expressions for genesis 1? I have the tools to shape eyes and mouth, but I can't open or close them. I don't understand what to do.

    ditto!  I can't find the place to do this or expressions for the Genesis 1 . . . . like the face room in Poser.  I took a ten year brak to care for my Mother and now, it's all so confusing . . . need expressions and to know where and how to they are doing in DAZ Studio.  I can't wait to face the horrors of trying to use dynamics . . . it seems like I have to buy a different module for each endeavor.


    Anyway, bcak to the problem at hand . . . expressions and facial morphing for the faces of Genesis characters.  Do K4 expressions and poses work on the genesis characters?

  • How to rotate camera? 
    I mean rotate the horizon?

    1986 x 541 - 558K
  • Hola a todos!

    Desearía saber cómo puedo guardar una pose en movimiento que requiera recorrer el espacio, como caminar, para luego aplicarla a otros personajes. Los pasos que sigo son:

    1. Creo la animación con TimeLine.

    2. Guadar una nueva pose.

    2.1. Selecciono "Animate range" y eligo la sección de tiempo.

    2.2. Properties. Aquí pruebo con dos fórmulas:

    2.2.1. Solamente selecciono hip y deselecciono general (transform): en este caso cuando cuando lo guardo y aplico a otro personaje, camina en su mismo lugar, sin moverse del sitio.

    2.2.2. Selecciono todo, hip y transform: cuando hago esto y lo aplico a otro personaje que tengo situado en otro lugar, primero se desplaza hacia el punto donde grabé la acción y comienza a caminar desde ahí y no desde donde yo lo coloco.

    Quisiera poder situarlo en cualquier punto y rotación y que al aplicarle mi pose, empiece a caminar desde ahí en el sentido que le marco.

    Muchas gracias de antemano, un saludo!

  • Greetings - Is it possible to convert M4/V4 clothing to conform to G3M/G3F figures? DS v Pro (64bit) on a Mac OS v 10.13.6. Thank you. Salut.

  • Greetings - What is the Geometry Tool? Also - Is it possible to modify the mesh of figures and/or objects in DS, like one can in Carrara 3D?

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,403

    Greetings - Is it possible to convert M4/V4 clothing to conform to G3M/G3F figures? DS v Pro (64bit) on a Mac OS v 10.13.6. Thank you. Salut.

    The most direct way is to purchase clones to convert them using autofit. Here are the corresponding products:

    If you don't want to spend money, you can try multiple conversion as each Genesis figure includes a clone for the previous figure. So you could autofit from M4/V4 to G1, save the converted G1 version as a figure asset, then autofit the G1 version to G2, save the G2 version, then autofit the G2 version to G3. No guarantee the clothes will still look good after all the conversions though.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,403

    Greetings - What is the Geometry Tool? Also - Is it possible to modify the mesh of figures and/or objects in DS, like one can in Carrara 3D?

    Not really. The Geometry editor tool enables you to do simple modifications, but DS is not a modeller like Carrara.

  • Greetings - What is the Geometry Tool? Also - Is it possible to modify the mesh of figures and/or objects in DS, like one can in Carrara 3D?

    Tools>Geometry Editor

    No, DS is not a modeller so it lacks a lot of features that Carrara has.

  • Greetings - What is the Geometry Tool? Also - Is it possible to modify the mesh of figures and/or objects in DS, like one can in Carrara 3D?

    Leana said:

    Greetings - Is it possible to convert M4/V4 clothing to conform to G3M/G3F figures? DS v Pro (64bit) on a Mac OS v 10.13.6. Thank you. Salut.

    The most direct way is to purchase clones to convert them using autofit. Here are the corresponding products:

    If you don't want to spend money, you can try multiple conversion as each Genesis figure includes a clone for the previous figure. So you could autofit from M4/V4 to G1, save the converted G1 version as a figure asset, then autofit the G1 version to G2, save the G2 version, then autofit the G2 version to G3. No guarantee the clothes will still look good after all the conversions though.

    Thanks. This is helpful. Salut. pmj

  • Leana said:

    Greetings - What is the Geometry Tool? Also - Is it possible to modify the mesh of figures and/or objects in DS, like one can in Carrara 3D?

    Not really. The Geometry editor tool enables you to do simple modifications, but DS is not a modeller like Carrara.

    Thanks. Pity Carrara is not vigorously supported by DAZ. It is a wonderful modeller. Salut. pmj

  • edited December 2020

    Greetings - What is the Geometry Tool? Also - Is it possible to modify the mesh of figures and/or objects in DS, like one can in Carrara 3D?

    Tools>Geometry Editor

    No, DS is not a modeller so it lacks a lot of features that Carrara has.

    Thanks. Salut. pmj

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • I just had a probably stupid question but i selected the surface selection tool and do not know how to turn it do i git back to being able to select my character and such?
  • vamokvamok Posts: 241
    edited January 2021

    nickcon66 said:

    I just had a probably stupid question but i selected the surface selection tool and do not know how to turn it do i git back to being able to select my character and such?

    You can pick one of the other tools from the menu bar above your viewport, or go to the tools menu and select a differnet tool, like the move tool, rotate tool, etc.

    I hope that helps. 

    ...I should have looked at the time stap before replying...

    Post edited by vamok on
  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Edit>Figure>Geometry>Apply Smothing Modifier


    I tried this on a piece of clothing for a Genesis 8 figure but it says Daz is unable to apply smoothing modifier. Why? 

  • ...and can anyone tell me what the difference between Genesis 8.1 Basic and Dev Load is?

  • The video link (top one) does not work, it says the video is private.
    Introducing DAZ 3D's Genesis Figure
    Anything special I need to do to open it? 

  • ShelLuserShelLuser Posts: 749
    edited May 2023

    Ey gang!

    So, my birthday is coming up and it's a moment where I like to reflect a bit on some things that matter to me. At the time of writing I've been using Daz Studio for a very long time now; when I check my order overview I see that it's almost 10 full years of 3D awesomeness. So I felt like venting a bit, but I don't think that really fits the forum; IMO it's better to try and make such a vent useful for others as well.

    As such I'd like to share my take on things within the spirit of the threads intention...

    Features that I discovered in Daz Studio & Genesis which I deem invaluable to use

    (and which can hopefully help some of you out as well!)

    #1 Customization features, why ignore 'm?

    As far as I can tell many people start by selecting a workspace layout (where 'City Limits' seems to be quite popular), they select a style (where 'Darkside' seems to be ditto popular) and then that's it. Or so it seems to me because when I look at some YouTube videos which feature Daz Studio I often see the exact same workspace layout. I'm referring to videos from both Daz 3D but also some seemingly popular other Tubers.

    Now, there's nothing wrong with this, really, but just for some context: when you see videos that feature ZBrush you're bound to see a completely different interface layout each and every time because within 3D efficiency is key because that can help you get things done a lot quicker.

    And I think some people overlook the insane amount of customization options we have!


    Some examples...  for my workspace / viewport I heavily rely on both the texture & Filament render options, sporadically I also use Iray. By default you can select individual draw styles by using the 'ctrl + number' keycombo: ctrl + 9 is the texture render for example whereas ctrl + 3 gives you a wireframe. Unfortunatley you can't directly switch to Filament, but Iray works like a charm. You don't think I'm going to try and remember all that, do you? Instead I put some commonly used drawstyles on my toolbar.

    And speaking of Filament: if you're going to use this then you have to add a "Filament draw options node" to your scene because otherwise your viewport is going to be oversaturated. I'm not going to open the 'Create' menu and try to find the option in there.. heck no: I've addded that to my toolbar as well. Just like the options to add cameras, lights, Iray environment & tonemapper nodes, groups, primitives, shells, dformer nodes.. you get the idea.


    When you enable a so called 'Bridge' then this option gets added to the File menu... at the bottom. No thank you, the bottom option of 'File' should be Exit in my opinion. So...  I made sure that it is.


    So I often like to use 2 viewports: the main screen and a smaller Aux viewport. For obvious reasons I want my controls to be as-easy as possible in my main viewport, but as condensed as possible within the aux window. Couldn't be easier: just check the viewports options menu which you can find in the upper right corner. Or in the middle if you're using the docked view controls vs. the cube view controls.

    How to customize Daz Studio?

    Easy: either press F3 or check the 'Window' menu: Window => Workspace => Customize.

    In the Customize dialog you'll find all available options on the left side of your screen ("Actions") and the current setup on the right ('Activities', 'Menus' and 'Toolbars') and you can simply drag & drop from the left to the right. Try for starters to expand the current activity and then check the enabled toolbars. If you hop over to the toolbars tab you can expand all those individual toolbars and add or remove any item you want (right click on an item to remove it, or to add other entries like a divider). You can also rename items to make it easy to understand what they are meant to be used for.

    Be careful though: this section can glitch at times and options get sometimes moved around without warning. If that happens make sure no options are highlighted and then just try again.

    Make sure to save any customizations you made!

    Saving your work is easy and can be done in multiple ways... You can save your full layout by pressing F4: this will include any custom actions, menus and toolbars. But! => don't forget about any possible changes you made to the style of the program. You can save that by using the Windows menu: Windows => Styles => Save style as...  The style basically consists of color schemes like your viewport color, accent colors, etc, etc.

    And there's more: you can also save your layout, actions, menus and toolbar settings individually. For this you merely need to click "Export" within the customization dialog (see its bottom options). 

    #2 Making your own custom categories

    If you're using the smart contents pane then you're using categories. But these aren't hard coded into Daz Studio! For example: I often make my own poses and for this I prefer to work with a Genesis base model. I can't be bothered to dig around Figures => Male => Fantasy SciFi. ... wait, it's not in there? ah, of course I meant Real World! err... nope! Genesis is actually in the main 'Male' or 'Female' category. SO much fun having to dig through ALL my male or female models just to find Genesis. Fun fact: Genesis 9 does this "better" because that is placed inside the main "People" category. Now I'd have to dig through my WHOLE figures category to find it.

    Needless to say: I use Figures => Genesis instead.

    Or what about Wardrobes?  There's a default Wardrobe => Outfits category so obviously I expanded on that by adding my own outfits or collections thereof.

    How to do this yourself?

    It's easier than you may think!  Right click on an item within your smart contents pane and then simply use "Categorize". Here you can add an item to as many other categories as you'd like by enabling the checkbox in front of them. Want to create a category of your own? Just right click on an existing category and use the "Create" option to create a sub-category. Couldn't be easier I think.

    #3 Only keeping panes around you actually use?

    Adding or removing a pane ("tab") is quite easy: just right click on a so called "Pane group bar" (in other words: right click on an empty space next to a pane tab) and then use the "Add Pane" option. Removing a pane is easy as well: right click on a pane tab and then use "Clone pane". If you're not sure what pane(s) you're looking for you can easily add a floating pane using the Windows => Panes menu option. Keep in mind that you can easily assign keyboard shortcuts to this as well, so you don't really need to have all panes present. For example... I only use the timeline and aniMate2 panes very sporadically so I keep these hidden and rely on a keyboard shortcut to open 'm (after which I usually move them to my 2nd monitor).

    Maybe also good to know: these "pane options" can also be added to the toolbar which I mentioned before.

    (edit) => Also useful to know: if you want to prevent any nasty accidents you can also lock your panes (and toolbars!) into place by using Ctrl + U, or use: "Window => Workspace => Lock docking/undocking". This will put a stop to accidentally dragging a pane outside its bar or at another location where you don't want it to be.

    #4 Don't solely rely on the smart contents pane!

    Now, I think the smart contents pane is awesome because it can give you very quick access to any asset you may need at that time. Need to change the hair color of my figure? I select the hair, click on the "Materials" category and from there on I merely have to double click on whatever preset I want to use.

    But it's not perfect either. For example... assets for Genesis (the first generation?) can easily be used for later generations but once you select those you won't find those assets in your smart contents pane anymore. Or what if I have a figure like, say, Kanade 8 or Sukai 8 and then I only want to use assets that were actually meant for them.. digging through tons of different categories? I think not! => right click on the item, then use: "Show asset in => Content Library: Products" and wham: full overview of all your assets related to that specific figure. Eye materials, lip colors, morphs and in some cases also specific assets.

    Keeping both the "smart content" and "library content" panes around side by side is really the best of ideas here.

    #5: Surface settings can become gamechangers!

    Figures in Daz Studio are made up from surfaces where each surface represents a part of that figure. Looking at Genesis for example we have surface entries like lips, fingernail, SkinTorso, Toenail, and so on. All those surfaces have properties. For example: any texture that gets applied to a figure is basically nothing more but a 2D image that gets applied to a surface. I'll do you one more: material presets? Those are essentially "surface presets", no more and no less.

    So if you want parts of your figure to look "different" then I would start by checking out the 'Surfaces' pane to see what you may find. Giving a female figure colored nails for example honestly doesn't have to be all that difficult. Just change the base color for that specific surface...

    I'm not claiming this is going to be easy, you may need to dig into some of the basic standards a bit, but it'll be rewarding for sure!

    #6: Don't ignore your Parameters pane!

    If you check some "getting started" guides out on the Internet you'll often see that they focus on "easy". So, say, applying a pose to a figure? Select the figure and go over your pose items. Or if you want to change the position of his hand.. use the universal tool and just drag it in place. Now, while this will work just fine you can also use some of the pre-installed and/or available parameters. Sometimes less can truly lead up to much more.

    Don't ignore what subtleties can do for your figure, especially with the proper lighting for instance...

    But also.. rotating a figure or parts thereof can sometimes be much easier to control using the parameters pane. And if you worry about not being able to find 'm quickly enough again then just "Favor" them by clicking on the heart icon. Easy!


    And there you have it!

    I don't want to risk turning this into a huge essay so I'll leave it here, and I hope some of you may find this useful. I've attached a screenshot of my Studio layout and as you can probably see.. it probably doesn't even look anything closely to what you may use ;)  THAT to me at least is the true "power" of Daz Studio: being able to truly set up your own workflow and environment. Oh, right, for obvious reasons I decided to focus on Genesis here, seems fitting with the OP and all :)

    Thanks for reading, I hope you could put this to good use!

    1920 x 1040 - 207K
    Post edited by ShelLuser on
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