I'm stuck... how do I load morphs from the Content Library?

Heelp. I have some morphs downloaded from the net, but they are in my content library and don't show up when I click on an already loaded figure... what do I do?
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Heelp. I have some morphs downloaded from the net, but they are in my content library and don't show up when I click on an already loaded figure... what do I do?
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TRy searching the product listings under the content tab (not the smart content one) and see if you see the nameof the product there.
I know exactly where they are and can find them in the content library in the studio, the problem is loading them into the project.
Select the associated figure, V4, G1/2/3 etc, and double click on the icon.
This should apply the particular morphs to the figure.
Be aware that depending on the figure they may already be applied, g1/2/3 load all morph dials installed automatically,
If on the other hand you are working with V4 you may need to run the initialization script to get them applied.
Also some morphs are for poser only and will not work with daz studio.
If the morphs are .dsf files then they almost certainly need to go in the \Data\Creator\Product\Figure\Moprhs\ folder, in a folder for the morph creator and product - I would hope that the zip would be set up to reflect that. Once installed they would load with the figure, they are not meant to appear in the content panes.
Other formats may go in several places and may or may not depend crtically on location - more details are needed.
holy bleep, i forgot that actually happend to me one time.
Some freebie in the early genesis days, i think it's still floating around out there on some freebie site.
good morph, lousy layout. took me forever to figure it out. of course i was fairly new to daz studio and didn't understand all the file formats.
Thank goodness for DUF, makes it massively easier to clean up stuff like that.
Still hasn't worked... I'm double clicking on it, it seems to load, but when I look at the morphs under parameters I can't find it to adjust it.
Yes, that's something to keep in mind, especially with older freebies — no matter how incredibly well-made and useful something is, it's only as good as the content creator's ability to stuff it into a .zip file. Most random stuff nowadays is pretty much all right, but especially in the early Poser days you could look in the .zip and find almost anything. Included readmes describing where all the files should go were not unusual (and, unfortunately, only mostly accurate).
Some of us old-timers have seen every imaginable (and otherwise) wrong way to build a .zip file, so a question posted here should clear up the problem quickly.
Note, though, that every now and then the answer will be "it just doesn't work"...
You still haven't said which figure the morphs are for - as is aid above, it's quite possible that they are not files thata re double-clicked to apply via a content pane but are emant to be used in some other way. A link to the items in question may help us to help you.
They're for genesis 2 female. The files are set up in my DAZ3D library (under public documents) as C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 2 Female\Morphs\DAZ3D\Evolution Body - the correct file setup, I think? There is another set of such files for different races using the same file setup, but that loads under parameters and this does not.
If they were "downloaded from the net" you need to delete them, and anything else from the same site or its like - those are Daz morphs and the only legitimate source of them is from Daz.