Animal Figure Rigging issue

Hello all, I'm not completely sure if this is the right area to post this. If not, please let me know and I'll move it to the appropriate thread. Anyway, to the issue, I've recently rigged a dog obj that I have using Daz figure setup. It worked good and the dog is fully rigged, but for some reason instead of treating it like one mesh with bones that move it, it's split the dog into a bunch of meshes. So every time a bone moves, it moves only one piece of the mesh. Now, my first thought was that I've done something wrong in the weight painting. I tried painting an area by hand and it's still doing it, so any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong? Thank you for your time.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Moved to DAZ Studio Discussion.
Are the bones literally separating - as in you can see space between the jagged ends when bent - or are they just bending each seelction group as a unit, but still connected to its parent and child bone meshes? If it's the latter did you use the Fill by Seelction set command to start the weight-mapping?