Would DAZ Studio go faster on a newer computer?

My computer is 4 years old. Would it make a major difference if I bought a new one when it comes to how fast DAZ Studio is? It seems to be going slower than I'd like at times.
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My computer is 4 years old. Would it make a major difference if I bought a new one when it comes to how fast DAZ Studio is? It seems to be going slower than I'd like at times.
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Probably. It would depend on what kind of renders you do, and what hardware specifics you currently have. Sometimes, all it needs is a new graphic card.
Note that instead of replacing your current card, depending on your motherboard it can be possible to use two cards — one to drive the monitor display, and one for Iray rendering. This will need extra power, though; check your motherboard and power supply specs to see if they can handle two graphics cards.
Maybe, maybe not.
It's really going to depend on your budget and what you alread have.
The three main things to consider
1. CPU.
For CPU based renders, 3delight or iray, you'll want as fast and as many physical cores as possible. .
Please note i said physical cores, the virtual cores provided by Intel processors(hyper-threading) have been hit or miss on useability in 3d graphics. In some cases the HT actually causes a massive hit on render speed.
turning it off provided a major boost to render times, in some cases over 100%, depending on render engine.
2. Memory
The more the better, get a system that can handle at least 32GB and preferably higher. Start with at least 16Gb and expect to upgrade to more later on.
3. Graphics card.
This will depend on whether you plan to render on the card(iray) or not.
If you plan to render on the card, you'll only need to consider Nvidia cards, ATI can't be used, get the most cuda cores you can and the most ram you can get.
At present the moster is 12GB ram and 3096 cuda(off the top of my head) but costs 4k USD.
If not then at least a card with 1-2GB ram and make model etc is fairly irrelevant.
As spotted kitty mentioned get two, or run your monitor off the internal, if it has one, and use the card for rendering.
Now here's something to consider that most people never mention, Servers.
The main reasons are fairly simple.
First servers are big and heavy. most rack mounts can weight twice to three times what a standard desktop weighs and take up a considerably amount of space.
Second most servers don't support add on graphics cards for video output, so running daz studio, and most other graphically intense software is straight out.
there are a few on the market that do support add-on graphics cards, such as the DL385 series from HP.
Lastly they are loud in some cases.
My venerable r900 fans run in the 90db range, about the decible level of a vaccuum cleaner running. Hearing protection required.