Problem with "Mark Hair" pack

I bought the "Mark Hair" pack for Daz 3D and Poser (the compatibility is ok according to DAZ informations). But when i want to use this hair pack, it doesn't work well and the installation makes this pack in "Poser formats". And when I want this hair "fit to" the Genesis of my character, the option is not available. My question is simple: How can I do to use this hair pack well with Daz 3D? I hope a fast answer. Thanks.
Hi stephane.roma...
"Mark Hair" is a prop hair in poser .hr2 format, it 'parents' to the figures head, only conforming hair can "Fit-to" and it is DS compatible for Gen3 and 4 figures.
But you can use it on Genesis. I use prop hairs for older figures on Genesis all the time.
You can either 'parent' it to Genesis head and then use the translate and scale sliders to adjust or
read this thread to convert it for Genesis -->PP2 and HR2 to figure.. YES IT DOES WORK! by RAMWolff
Hope this helps... :)
I just tried this solution. I succeed in converting Poser hair on Daz figure prop, but the hair is not well positionned on the head and i don't succeed in attribuate a material on the hair...
After converting the hair did you then "Fit-To" the hair to Genesis?
For the materials you need to select the Hair then in the Pose folder, find the folder for Mark Hair. Then select one of the material Presets.
nicci... :)
I do that, but it doesn't work....
Ok I just tested Mark hair using the conversion and it worked no problem, fits just right and the materials apply fine.
Try again and make sure that you start with a plain Genesis figure, no morphs or shapes and do not move the hair when you load it. Then follow the steps in the tutorial exactly.
The image below is the converted hair with material applied
nicci... :)
I have an other problem now: i want to try restarting from a basic genesis. But my "Michael 4" UV set has disappeared. How can i refind it or how can i reinstall it?
And when i want to load "Basic Male.dsf", the software says "One or more files could not be found. Make sure that the content is properly installed. See the log file for more details."
What's the problem? Does it mean that some files disappear of DAZ ? And about my "Michael 4" UV Set, how can i refind it?
Thanks a lot for your answers I hope fast.
@ niccipb : I show you a picture of what I get when I follow the tutorial. The hair is not well positionned and I can't attribute any Material.
Sorry for the late reply...
I can see now why this is not working for you.... your using DS 4.0, the 'convert prop to figure' had some bugs and non-working functions in 4.0
The tutorial will work in version 4.5 as they fixed those issues.
If you don't want to upgrade at this time then what you will need to do is load the hair prop and parent it to Genesis head then dial in or apply your character shape. Then in the parameters pane use the translation and scale sliders to adjust the fit manually. You should also be able to apply a material preset then (that was another of the bugs with the 'convert prop' function in 4.0)
Sorry about the problems, I should have asked what version of Studio you were using first... :red:
nicci... :)
Not a problem, thanks for your answer.
I 've already tested to place manually the hair on the genesis and parent it with genesis, but when I create an animation or a morph on the Genesis, the hair is not affected and it doen't move.
I will test again, and I will say to you the result.
Thanks one more time for yours answers.
I just downloaded Daz Studio 4.5 and i retried the manipulation for Mark Hair. The hair is well positionned, but I already can't attribute any material on it.
Please help me !!! :ohh:
So when you have the Mark Hair selected and you double-click on a hair color in the Pose/Mat_MarkHair folder nothing happens?
Yes. But I have found the solution. I have to attribute the material before converting the hair into a DAZ prop/figure.
That's a good new because I know how to proceed now, but I have to restart all my character because I have modified some shapes and added some morphs and animations, and it doesn't work with that.
Thanks a lot for your help :)
Well I'm glad you were able to apply a material :-) , but you should be able to do it even after converting the hair.
I just went ahead and did it again to see if I could duplicate your problem and I can change between any of the hair Mats after converting. So I'm not sure why you can't.
nicci... :)
edit: you shouldn't have to re-do any of your current characters, just convert the needed hair props on a new Genesis and then save the new hair figures, File>Save As>Support Asset>Figure/Prop Asset. (Do one at a time and delete from scene before doing the next one)
Then load and go to frame 0 of your animation and load your new hair figure to your character. It will fit and conform to the characters shape.
I have another question: when I started DAZ 4.5 , my options "LipSync" and "Decimator" have disappeared.
How to have its again?
'Decimator' has a separate installer for 4.5 and should be in the folder from the zip file if you got the beta or in your available downloads if you went with Release.
If you have the paid version of DS4Pro then it will activate automatically using your DS4Pro serial number otherwise you need to have the paid for serial number for 'Decimator' and enter it in the About Plug-ins box if it doesn't automatically activate.
As for Lip Sync, do you mean the version that's included?, it should be listed in Windows>Panes (tabs). If not then go to Edit>Customize and find it and then add it to Windows>Panes menu.
Hope this helps... :)
Before I had 4.0 version of Daz, now I have 4.5 version.
When I downloaded DAZ 4.5 , there was no Decimator installer. And about LipSync, when I go on Windows/Tabs or in Edit/Customize, LipSync doesn't appear. LipSync for DAZ 4.0 is compatible with version 4.5 ? Do I have to buy new LipSync plugin?
I have the version
In your Available Downloads in your account you should find installers for Decimator for Daz Studio 4.5.X in 32 and 64 bit for both mac and PC, along with the installers for GoZ, Photoshop Bridge and the Genesis Starter Essentials. If not you could try resetting DS 4.0 Pro from your itemized order history
In the Customize window you will have to look through the list in the left panel to find the LipSync icon. I'm at work right now so I don't recall exactly what it's listed under, sorry...
Hope this helps... :)