Skylake Graphics for Display?

I've just ordered a PC with a Skylake i7 and a GTX970. I've seen it mentioned that some people use the GPU for IRay and the on-board graphics to drive the display. I am looking at a Dell U2515 Display which has both Display Port and HDMI connectors. Would I get a good display image if I used the built-in graphics capability of the Skylake i7 just for the display?
Display port/HDMI are going to be the same if you use onboard or video card.
So, yes, you will.
Thank you - I guess this will help render performance a little - not sure how much though.
Could make around 50% difference. Perhaps more of a consideration as performance will vary, is that you'll not lose the graphics memory to display.
Because consider; no matter how much faster a GFX card is, it can't be used if the memory is not sufficient.
It can help a lot...because it frees up anywhere from a couple of hundred MB to 1 GB of video card memory to use for rendering. And on some scenes that is the make or break between being rendered in GPU or CPU mode.
Thanks again - I had no idea that the display took so much VRAM. My typical scenes are around 3GB so could be bordeline with the display taking another Gig.
Yes, Windows can be a graphics hog...