Export MD (CLO3D) Clothes to DAZ3D , and posing.

Hey guys. This set of questions have probably been asked before but i couldn't get a concrete one just because the previous answers and tutorials on the web were of DAZ 4.5 , and im using 4.9.
So i am basically using Clo3d (MD's version specially for clothing) to design my clothes , and pose them on an avatar in DAZ3d then render them. So my steps are below:
1. Export Clo3D's Default Avatar (A-pose) to DAZ3D as OBJ
2. Import Avatar as OBJ in DAZ3D
3. Open the Victoria avatar in DAZ3D and mimic the body proportions so they are exactly the same as CLO3D
4. Save edited Victoria as OBJ.
5. Import Vicotria OBJ in Clo3D and simulate the clothes.
6. Export Clothes only from Clo3D as OBJ and Apply them in DAZ3D to the original Victoria avatar
Is this the most accurate way of doing it ? If so i do have some issues
a) Most of the times textures of my simulated clothes dont appear in DAZ3D (I did select to save the textures in MD, i tried Unwelding the Objects, Not using Unified UV Maps) but nothing works.
b) I change my poses in DAZ3D . So I would morph the obj clothes to Victoria . However i can never seem to get this with the Asset Transfer Utility. Once i use them i always get the clothes and the model out of prorportions, as shown in the image below
c) Can i still use existing DAZ3D props such as boots / rings ? They seem to overlap with the current obj file. Like in this case, the pants would be above the boots.
I appreciate any kind help ! :)
(Image removed for nudity. Please read guidelines for nudity in the forums. http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/3279/acceptable-ways-of-handling-nudity#latest )
The obj import can be very finicky with textures...things like spaces in the names can prevent them from automatically importing. As long as everything is properly UV mapped, then it's just a matter of going to the textureless surface, in the Surface tab and clicking on the little down arrow in Diffuse Color and navigating to the map location and picking it (repeat for any other maps, like bump, transparency, etc).
For things to properly pose, they need to be rigged...and to be properly rigged, it is best to model the clothing to the base model...so if you are using Victoria 7, for example, you don't model to her...but rather Genesis 3 Female. And in the default position...the t-pose that they load in. Moving things around often throws off the auto-rigging...like in your image. There are some options when rigging that may help, but please post your eacat sequence...and what options you do use. Some screenshots of the process would be helpful, too.
Yes, once the imported clothes are properly rigged it would be much easier to get them to 'play nice' with other items, although it may be best to originally model pants to fit over the boots you are intending to use with the outfit (less adjustments to make later).
Yes this happens almost all the time. It is properly mapped , however DAZ still ignores them when importing . And i end up with a blank textureless surface, where i have to rearrange the textures .I can't resize the textures in DAZ , or perhaps there is a way to resize them that i dont know of ?
My exact sequence would be as above. I just checked my sequence and i actually used a Genesis 3 Female as base , not Victoria . Sorry about that
1. Export Avatar of MD in its default pose
2. Load G3 Female in DAZ3D and Import MD's Avatar in its default pose
3. I would reposition my G3 Female model in DAZ3D to mimic the imported MD avatar.
2. Export the edited G3 Female model , and import it in MD . Then simulate the garment and the garment in MD would very well simulate it because the avatars pose's are alike
3. Export the garment only in OBJ
4. Bring the OBJ into DAZ3D and it would fit G3 Female
5. Edit hair , makeup of G3 Female
6. Transfer morph of Genesis 3 Female to Garment OBJ by using Assets - > Transfer Utility
Images are below. Is there anything i am doing wrong.
Instead of editing the avatar, should i edit the garment in MD instead , to fit G3 Female default pose?
(Images removed due to nudity.)
Without seeing examples it would be hard to say about what can be done within Studio itself...
Is MD writing an mtl file to go with the obj? If it is, open it in a text editor and look at where and what it has written for the textures.
Yes...because the rigging tools are set up to work at the base pose, in Studio.
When you save the zip file containing the object and texture files, it's name must not have any spaces in it. If it has spaces then the texttures won't be applied.
So if you have G2M Pants it must be saved as G2M_Pants or G2MPants, then the textures will be applied. Hope that is clear.
When you use the Transfer Utility with an A pose then you must change the Item Shape to current and tick the box "Replace source shape from Target" in the Project Options tab for it to rig the garment correctly.
Thanks guys! I got it to work.
As adviced by mjc2016, i edited the garments to fit the default G3 pose, exported it as obj and imported it to DAZ3D , then selected transfer utility, it works! Only issue is that i get is when i change to certain poses, the texture gets stretched out. Anyway to fix this?
By defaul transfer utility will project the figure's rigging on the clothes. this doesn't work well for long skirts: it makes them follow the leg's bones so the mesh streches when you move the legs.
To get a better result you need to apply a projection template intended for a dress / skirt when you run the transfer utility, instead of using the default projection.
For G3F this product will provide you with additional projection templates for various types of outfits: http://www.daz3d.com/sy-ultra-templates-for-genesis-3-female-s
I've used Sickleyield's other templates in the past and can vouch for them...they are much better than the default templates and will go a long way to minimize the problems with skirts.
Hi guys, I've been reading on the daz forum for a while. I try desperately to dress my avatar with clothes created on clo3d but as soon as I do the "transfer utility" the dress wrinkles everything and "tears". Anyone who thinks they can dress up an avatar (Genesis 8) by making the clothes look real, soft and fall well on the body, so that animations can also be done, please contact me
[email protected]