I accidentally my scene

I don't know what I pressed, but everything in my scene is now invisible. It still shows up as "visible" meaning the "eye" icon is still open, and it shows as visible in the parameters tab. However all I can see are the "boxes" around nodes!
Uh.... um... help!
More data. I just tried to load another scene and it is doing the same thing. So I think its a feature of the program itself rather than something I did to the scene.
Ok simple to fix...I hope. :)
I think you changed the viewing mode to Bounding Box
Depending on your UI style yours may look a little different than mine. But we are looking for the button that sits next to the Camara and Light viewing selection dropdown box as shown in the images below. Click on this button to choose how to view you scene. WireFrame comes in handy in saving memory for big scenes. ;)
You nailed it man. Great job and thanks!
Sweet glad it helped. :)