My Daz Connect Library on C:



  • Okay thank you. I can't uninstall then because I had not install then.

    Daz had just used my harddrive to their storage.

    But I say thank you for your help, now I can delete them.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882

    If they are there then they were isntalled - by this version or by a beta, if you used one and if it used the same path. DS doesn't "store" content on the sly.

  • No I had them installed in my Poser Runtime and had that for years, some before DS excist.

    Had never installed them in My Libery.

  • hilguhilgu Posts: 37

    I pray that someone at DAZ reads this and give me advice.  I only now discovered this "cloud" library on my machine, it is 30 GB, it is big, and very annoying.  I had installed various items with "Install Manager", giving it all the instructions on where to install stuff, and it does so just fine.  But often enough, the new items do not show up in "smart content".  I can go to "Database Management" and "reload Meta Database" and that usually does the trick, but then and now, I simply clicked on "install" on the content that looked like it was not installed --- thinking, of course, that DAZ would use the same defaults as InstallManager.  Big mistake!!! It installs it into this funny "cloud" subdirectory of "My Daz Connect Library", with a completely different tree structure.  So, now I have 30 GB content installed twice on my machine, and I want to get rid of it.  There should really be a little script that takes care of that, right?  Or is DAZ just leaving users all alone to painfully figure out solutions here?  De-Install from within DAZ one-by-one (which will take me many hours), then re-install via InstallManager?  Also, what about the stuff that already got installed into "content" from earlier versions of DAZ, why does installing-from-within-DAZ not simply create some meta data for that content, instead of installing it to "My Daz Connect Library"?  Sigh.  I really do not understand why this is so intransparent, user-unfriendly and bloated.  It is really hard to manage content libraries as they grow larger.  Stuff is in all kinds of strange places now.

  • You wouldn't have to uninstall one by one - just multi seelct in Smart Content products tab and do all in oen go. However, if you are on a metered connection a better method would be to leave the content where it is but chnage the Connect path so that future installs go to a diffrent location or, if you need the space, move the \Data\Cloud folder to a new location, set that as the new Connect directory, and "reinstall" - which should use the existing files, without downloading afresh. The Connect directory is set in the Content Directory Manager - Edit>Preferences, go to the Content tab, click Content Directory Manager.

    To avoid the problem with installed content not showing one important step is make sure you don't close DS and immediately start Install Manager, as that can lead to the Content Management System not running with DIM. You don't need to close DS to use DIM at all.

  • hilguhilgu Posts: 37

    Richard, hi!  Thank you so much for your reply and for giving me your thoughts on this!  This is so much appreciated!

    So, I am hoping I am not testing your patience too much by walking through the details here a bit more and hoping for your advice.  I just found out that this whole thing is one big headache ... and I really could use some help.

    Ok, here is the issue.  Under "...\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud" are a whole bunch of subfolders (lots of them!  I am purchasing too much from DAZ apparently). One of them is named "1_31641".  Per searching on the DAZ website, I found out that this is "Mele Hair" for G3F (part of the Rune7 bundle, but never mind).  In DAZ, I can see it in "Smart Content" under Hair, but in the "Content Library", it is not to be found under "...\My Library\People\Genesis 3 Female\Hair", where it normally should be.  I am VERY sure that I originally installed it, using DAZ IM, and then later installed it from within DAZ ... so, now it is gone from "My Library" and stuck in "...\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud" instead. 

    I then un-installed it from within DAZ.  I exited DAZ, waited to make sure no background-DAZ processes are still running.  I started DAZ IM, searched for "Mele Hair", installed it from there.  I exited DAZ IM, waited some more.  I started DAZ again.  Under "Smart Content", there is now an arrow on "Mele Hair", that I could click to install it ... but this time, I exactly do NOT want to do that!  Instead, I go to "Content DB Management --> Re-Import Metadata", answering everything affirmatively and wait.  That can take around 8 minutes on my machine.  And now, voila, "Mele Hair" is in smart content and it is in "...\My Library\People\Genesis 3 Female\Hair".  Great!

    The folder "1_31641" is still there under "...\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud".  I now deleted it manually in Windows Explorer.  Now the situation is like I wanted it, i.e., as if I had installed it using DAZ IM, and nothing else.

    I understand I could do that for each subfolder of "...\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud" ... but what a pain!  It would be far easier, if I could simply take the content of each of these subfolders and move them to "...\My Library".  That would move them where DAZ IM would have put them in the first place.  But now, the MetaData will point to the wrong "...\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud" locations, right?  Is there some (easy) way to fix that?  At least something, that is faster than the painful procedure described above?

    Or any other or even better suggestion?

    Incidentally, I don't understand, why the subfolder structure under "...\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud" is completely different from the subfolder structure under "...\My Library".  And I certainly don't understand, why DAZ IM and the installation-within-DAZ disagree on how and where to install content.   Or is there a way so that both install in EXACTLY the same manner?  Then at least I wouldn't have to do any fixing in the future, if I accidentally click on install in DAZ.

    I am very much looking forward to your help.

    Happy new year!



  • The cloud folder contains items in a separate folder per product, as you have found - among other things that avoids issues when two products nstall the same file (common textures such as concrete or environment maps, for example, may not be unique to each set a PA makes). You can, in the latest versions of DS, access those through the Content Library - all the product folders are listed as one DAZ Connect "virtual" folder under Poser Fomrats/DAZ Studio Formats. But the DIM install should still have appeared under the ... Formats heading as long as the files were there - that isn't dependent on the Content Management System. I'm also puzzled that uninstalling didn't remove the files - I thought it had when I did it fairly recently.

  • hilguhilgu Posts: 37

    Richard, hi! Thank you! 

    Ah, I see, inside DAZ, there is the DAZ connect folder, containing the usual arrangement ... it just does not correspond to the arrangement of the folders, which are product-by-product, using the DAZ numbering system.  That may be a better way to organize content for the reasons that you point out ... but why does DIM do it differently?  Installing from within DAZ regularly makes little sense ... there is no way to find the new orders easily (or is there?), and one would have to search for them one-by-one and then download (painful).   For DIM, instead, I can click on "download" in the Internet Explorer, and it does it (actually, it DOES not work from the new Microsoft Edge, another little issue that needs fixing perhaps).  For myself, I needed to start a new library on a new harddrive ... so now, I have all this content in so many different locations and with different organization systems (there is also the "content" directory from older DAZ versions) ... moreover, as I now noticed, the DIM-installed content CAN be explored, despite the "arrow" on the product enticing the user to install from wthin DAZ ... until one goes for the 10-min " Re-Import Metadata" under "Content Database Management".  It gets very confusing very quickly. 

    What is a user supposed to do here?  It seems you recommend to just accept that content is now stored in all kinds of different places and in all kinds of different ways, and that one has to look for it with all kinds of different approaches (no, not all installed content shows up well in "smart content"), and that there is really no reasonably easy way to consolidate all these files.  Is that the conclusion to draw here?

    Quite a mess ... any hope that DAZ will clean that up in the future?



  • The Products tab of the Smart Content pane and the Install pane have several sort options - including Order Date, which should make it easy to pick out new stuff. Also, only uninstalled content will appear in the Install pane.

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